1598 Tasting Notes
This is excellent. I didn’t expect it to be, but I guess drinking it in cold milk helps make it more creamy/peanut buttery.
I have to confess that the idea of flavored matcha doesn’t appeal to me! Basically it sounds as though they are being used by you and others to prefer lattes—or beverages sort of like frappuccinos. Is that right?
That’s how I do it! I haven’t had much experience with matcha – I’ve only been the matcha from Red Leaf. I have prepared matcha properly with the bamboo whisk and hot water, and I do enjoy that, but I find with the flavoured matcha that they taste perfectly fine in cold milk, which makes it a snap for a breakfast smoothie on my way out the door. I like to make it hot when I have time at home to enjoy it.
Yum! Sore throats and sinus aches are so crappy, but this tea makes it more bearable! :D
Looks like I wasn’t able to avoid this cold after all but I don’t mind so long as the little bear doesn’t get sick! Also, I wouldn’t want to call in sick in my first month of working because she’s sick, but I’ll have to do it because you can’t send the kiddo in to daycare sick. :| So, fingers crossed! I’ll make her some of this tomorrow!
Feel better soon, Cavo, not fun…
There’s no scientific studies proving this, but the more I read about sick Steepster members, the more I’m starting to think we share our germs in some ways, lol, maybe through swaps??? haha!
Another Sipdown!
I tried this twice, and just never cared for it. The lime smelled great but didn’t carry into the flavour enough. And the base was odd – Kept getting that weird salty flavor I’ve found in a few teas now…
Probably not? I think I’m the only one who gets it – caused partly by my combo of my water and steeper maybe too?
I was going to say, speaking of the earlier comment about water and location, I wonder if that may be part of the problem. I’ll watch for a salty flavour when I get mine in.
Hmmm. I’m happy it’s not just me because I ordered some other teas from Herbal Infusions and I don’t want them all to be the same. I wonder if they use the same base for all their black teas? It’d make it easier for me to figure out what it is about certain teas that makes it “salty” and others not. I’ll have to add notes to my tea spreadsheet and track this: FOR SCIENCE.
haha FOR SCIENCE! Also, I think their base is the same for most of the ones I tried. I know I picked up on the same base flavor in Moose Tracks, Key Lime Coconut, and Santa’s Milk & Cookies. I haven’t tried many of their teas though so I might not be the expert on that topic.
I think they use the same base for pretty much all their black teas, and sadly I don’t like the base at all.
OMGsrsly – I was afraid of that, but I did like Moose Tracks, so I grabbed 50g of that and the Snowflake EG. There’s a few samplers so I’ll see how those go.
So long SoHo! (139/212)
I think I may have fallen out of love with this one. It’s the coconut that does it – I don’t think I care for it and even the smell of it puts me off a little. It’s a shame.
This is AMAZING when I make it in Montreal and not so amazing when I make it in Thornhill. That makes me sad. I have a 4 oz tin and only a few months left to drink it and really enjoy it.
Maybe. It was really weird. Also, ever since I used my timolino in Toronto and then I forgot it there. Since I got it back, I can’t use it to brew teas anymore because it imparts a metallic taste that makes the tea disgusting. I never had that issue before so I have no clue what happened.
This was surprisingly good! I didn’t know what to expect with a name like Kapha bc I don’t know anything about ayurvedic stuff, but I do know I like licorice and spices and throat soothing goodness!
Sipdown! (down to 233 – with all my incoming teas factored in…)
Ayurvedic, just the name is a turn off, don’t you think?. I never remember how to spell it, lol! But I know a little about it, Ayurvedic medicine is quite a science and philosophy, pitta, vata, etc… I’m just not zen enough yet to become an adept. But it is quite interesting.
So I’ve been remiss in my tasting notes, but I have been working on Operation Sipdown today. I finished off two teas so far, and this one is a sipdown, courtesy of Sil.
I think I’m in agreeent with her that this is a decent tea, but not necessarily mindblowing. I want to add milk to it, and that is never a good sign. But, I’m happy I tried it because I had this impression i my head that Mariage Freres = INCREDIBLE.
Sipdown! I gave the rest of this to VariaTEA as well as a ton of other samples. I didn’t count them. I just kept adding. Mwahahah.
Hopefully she finds more of the Herbal Infusions teas that she enjoys!
This one is sorta flat. I’m less enthused about it now that I’m not drinking it on Christmas day. Sorry Santa’s Milk!
NO!!! no more of this! I literally have one bag of this that is still sealed and another that is 3/4 full. And I really don’t like it all that much. haha.
Oh snap. Maybe I didn’t share it with you? I tried not to give you more of the 3 you told me about, but some are so similar in my head that I mixed them up. :O