Yum! Sore throats and sinus aches are so crappy, but this tea makes it more bearable! :D
Looks like I wasn’t able to avoid this cold after all but I don’t mind so long as the little bear doesn’t get sick! Also, I wouldn’t want to call in sick in my first month of working because she’s sick, but I’ll have to do it because you can’t send the kiddo in to daycare sick. :| So, fingers crossed! I’ll make her some of this tomorrow!
Feel better soon, Cavo, not fun…
There’s no scientific studies proving this, but the more I read about sick Steepster members, the more I’m starting to think we share our germs in some ways, lol, maybe through swaps??? haha!
Wishing you immunity to little bear germs! (They’re whoppers!)
Nooooo, I hope you’ll feel better soon, Cavo.
Hope your feeling better in the morning!
Thanks guys! Definitely actually sick, but I’ll live. :)
Feel better soon, Cavo, not fun…
There’s no scientific studies proving this, but the more I read about sick Steepster members, the more I’m starting to think we share our germs in some ways, lol, maybe through swaps??? haha!
Get well soon! ♥