1598 Tasting Notes
Finished up the last of it yesterday and re-steeped it for my morning cuppa. I’m about 500 points away from a ten dollar gift card to Verdant tea so I’ll be grabbing 2oz for sure!
… in June. I’d better wait until I get my first paycheque!
I made this as an after dinner tea, but tonight it’s sorta nasty and dirty. I think I oversteeped it, but that’s the end of that sample anyway.
You know what’s funny? I poked through the tea cupboard at work today and found three little tins. Full tins. They were mine from 2 years ago when I stopped drinking tea (bc I was pregnant). I left them for others to drink and no one went for them. I’ll just take them back and hope thru aren’t stale!
They were Mighty leaf Chocolate Truffle Rooibos, DT Coco Chai, and Saigon Chai. I guess I didn’t realize rooibos was safe while pregnant.
Yikes! This is first day of work after a year of mat leave. The company has changed so much they are giving me an orientation today with a new hire.
Because my bf is busy in classes from 8-7 today, I had to get up at 6 so I could get the baby to daycare, and be at work for 9. I’ll have to leave work early (3?) to pick her up as well. I’m going to hate Mondays! (He can drive her the other days). I should really learn to drive his car…
The baby seems to have a cold and Saturday was brutal. She was much happier yesterday but slept fitfully. I hope she’s ok at the daycare (she doesn’t seem to have contagious symptoms) but if I have to, I’ll grab a cab to pick her up if they send her home…
Too much going on today. Good thing I’ve got my Tiger tea!!!
Ozli was right. This is just an… odd/awful blend. She sent me two cups, but I don’t know if I’ll bother with the second one. Or finishing this one.
Too bad because the ingredients sound interesting.