It’s our version of Black Friday, but it’s not quite as insane as Black Friday, i.e. no one has ever been trampled? But people line up overnight and the store open super early so people can grab the first come, first serve awesome deals. And the malls are completely packed with people looking to spend their Christmas money in themselves…. :p
It’s sorta turned into Boxing Week instead if just the day, but the best stuff is sold on Boxing Day.
I was in retail for many years and if you work retail, you WILL work Boxing Day. It’s the busiest day of the year and all staff are needed to handle the massive crowds. It’s always been insane but I sorta miss it because we made it fun with potlucks in the back room and all the coffee you want to jazz up. :p
I never even heard of Black Friday until a few years ago though!
So….what exactly IS Boxing Day?
It’s our version of Black Friday, but it’s not quite as insane as Black Friday, i.e. no one has ever been trampled? But people line up overnight and the store open super early so people can grab the first come, first serve awesome deals. And the malls are completely packed with people looking to spend their Christmas money in themselves…. :p
It’s sorta turned into Boxing Week instead if just the day, but the best stuff is sold on Boxing Day.
I was in retail for many years and if you work retail, you WILL work Boxing Day. It’s the busiest day of the year and all staff are needed to handle the massive crowds. It’s always been insane but I sorta miss it because we made it fun with potlucks in the back room and all the coffee you want to jazz up. :p
I never even heard of Black Friday until a few years ago though!
Black Friday us becoming more of a thing here now, because of online store influencing the rest. So we are spoiled up here!