I meant to check today how much of everything I have but I got so sidetracked with all my new teas that I completely forgot. I will check in the morning and we will definitely arrange our swap before Monday.
I got 25 g of 25 different teas so I am in tea heaven right now. Especially given I also have teas in the mail from 52 teas and a couple of swaps on their way. I am a happy, HAPPY girl! Unfortunately though, no one seems to have ever had tea from the tea shop I shopped at today so I need to make pages for all my new teas.
That could be interesting, though. Mango gingerbread?
I think it tastes like Buttercream without the white tea.
I meant to check today how much of everything I have but I got so sidetracked with all my new teas that I completely forgot. I will check in the morning and we will definitely arrange our swap before Monday.
That sounds great! And you got new samples? That’s so exciting. :)
I got 25 g of 25 different teas so I am in tea heaven right now. Especially given I also have teas in the mail from 52 teas and a couple of swaps on their way. I am a happy, HAPPY girl! Unfortunately though, no one seems to have ever had tea from the tea shop I shopped at today so I need to make pages for all my new teas.
Ha! I did the same thing with the tea place by my house, and same deal – had to input them all into Steepster. Normally I love doing that… more time consuming when you have 20+.