467 Tasting Notes
Let me start by saying I waaayyyy overleaped this poor baby. I changed my mind about the tea I wanted. I put the leaves EG in a bowl. Later I came back to make the EG, but I forgot how much EGI had put in the Brevile. Tea for 500ml?750?1000? Well I put in an extra scoop and the rest is history. OK, really awful! So now I’ve done a resteep in a 1000ml of water. This is better but still not as good asI had hoped. I enjoy bergamot and there is just not enough for me. I don’t really taste the Creme at all. I’ll drink it or trade it but I won’t buy any more.
It’s cold and windy and in general a yucky day. How dare the sun shine! I have a head ache and don’t even want to get out of bed. Actually the cat is holding me hostage by laying across my legs. I can’t get out because you know I don’t want to bother the cat when she is purring so loudly :-P I had a bit of Warming Crimson Berry which I enjoy but not really enough for a cup. So I added some Strawberry Herbal. A little stevia to fight the hibiscus. A nice warming cup with a bright chili after taste. It’s kind of cleaning out my sinuses which I hadn’t even noticed were clogged up. I hope this isn’t the beginning of a sinus infection. It’s the kind of tea that I need to have eat with or the chili can upset my stomach. After forcing the cat off my legs, I made the tea and now she is on my lap and shows no signs of moving. Help, I may be trapped the rest of the day :D I lowered the rating on this a little. It does’t seem as good as I remember it or maybe it’s just that I feel crummy.
Flavors: Berries, Peppercorn
Green tea flavor strong but with a nice balance. Some ocean/marine aroma and taste. Not a particular favorite for me. I seem to tend to like a more flavored green tea so I will probably blend it with a fruity tea. No brewing notes so i just brewed as a regular green tea.
Flavors: Earth, Green Beans, Ocean Breeze
This seems to be a rather weak and watery tea. After tasting this I thought that perhaps I had under leafed so I rebrewed with more tea and a little bit longer steep. Still quite bland. I taste only the mildest of spices. I like chais that have a bit of zip to them. This is rather flat. I can’t taste any cardamom or pepper at all. My package did not list the ingredients so I didn’t see that there was no actual hazelnut in it. Well, that explains why I didn’t taste any. I was really rather disappointed in this tea and I am a little worried that the rest might not be as good as they sound. I may have to return my other unopened tea from there rather than waste my money.
Another yummy liquid dessert! No muss no fuss birthday cake. No need to worry about crumbs falling, frosting mustaches or sugar comas! Drink this instead :D I’m just not sure where to put the candle! Very sweet frosting and cake aroma. First sip seems all frosting but as it goes down I taste the vanilla cake. It has a good maple taste adding a little to the complexity of a fairly uncomplicated tea. Certainly not an everyday tea but an awesome speciality tea. One to keep in the cupboard for those special moments that need some cheering-up or celebrating. I couldn’t believe but it really did a nice job on the resteep.
Flavors: Cream, Vanilla
Loving all the EG that I have trying lately :D This one smells delicious, strong bergamot note. It’s funny since a few weeks ago I didn’t know what bergamot tasted like and now I love it. The taste is smooth and creamy. No astringency or bitterness. As usual I use a little stevia to sweeten. Yum yum yum! Thanks to Naylynn for the wonderful sample!
Butter rum, yum yum! The dry leaves smell like the candy. Heavenly. Delightful and flavorful with out being cloying as some dessert teas can be. Takes the place of a sweet treat nicely. Yeah for staying on diet! Oh my gosh, I forgot to thank Naylynn for the sample! It is going to be hard to refrain buying teas with all the wonderful samples she gave me :D
Flavors: Butter, Caramel, Coconut, Vanilla
This is a basic green tea with vegetal notes and a woodsy aroma. It has a smokey taste, it is slightly astringent but not bitter. Plain Green is not my favorite but in has an obvious base of green tea. Nothing wrong with it but I have found that I just prefer a more flavored tea. I think it may blend well with other teas that I have to make it more to my liking but is nothing against the tea.
Flavors: Earth, Wood
We went out to dinner and as usual I asked for a cup of hot water ( so that I can put in my teabags) They bring me a tall glass (24 oz) of very hot water. I almost burst in to laughter out loud. LOL I mean really! Apparently the have no mugs since they don’t serve either coffee or tea. Well unfortunately the tea I was drinking was the Spiced Chai. I put two teabags in since I remembered that it had seemed very weak when I had it before. I didn’t let it steep too long because I didn’t want it to oversteep. Well the tea wasn’t any better than I remember it. Rather blah. Too much cinnamon. I didn’t have any more tea with me. OhNo What to do? Well lucky for me, I had brought my own stevia… with a difference…flavored!! Sweet Drops sweetener by Sweet Leaf. I have the vanilla creme flavor. No calories and it makes almost any tea into something I can enjoy. I know it would not be for the purist among us, but I can turn a really awful cup into some thing I can enjoy.
Flavors: Cinnamon
Isn’t it a nightmare getting tea at a restaurant? ;D At some places they even give you looks like ‘What do you mean you want hot tea and not iced?’ ;D
You never know what you’ll get when you ask for hot water.
I asked for some at IHOP a few weeks ago. I got a little black pot with hot murky looking water and a cup. I wondered why the color, do they usually put tea bags in the little pot for people? When I went yo the restroom later I walked near the coffee station & got my answer. They had run water through the coffee pot to make the hot water, half of a pot still sitting on the hot plate leftover from what they made for me. Just gross!! I thought most restaurants surely had a hot water tap on the side of their coffee makers these days to make their hot chocolates & such. I guess I was wrong.Thanks to Natlynn for this sample! I needed something with a little less caffeine but didn’t want want to go completely with out caffeine. I learned how to reset the Breville from F to C. Ok, I should have looked at the directions first instead of just pressing buttons randomly, duh:) The liquor is a lovely red, the dry leaf is fruity, the aroma in sweet and fruity with no sense of green tea. Which is ok with me. I didn’t sense the sweetness in my first sip, I added a little sweetener and was very happy with the result. Fruity with strawberry and maybe a little rhubarb (?) the overall taste was fruity, but one should expect that from the name.
I was wondering why you thought there would be caffeine in this until I realized I don’t own this green tea by Tealish. It sounds like you may have had Strawberry Rhubarb Parfait by DAVIDs, sorry if I labeled it wrong.