The weather was a little cooler this morning than it has been over the past little while, so I figured I’d go through my Fall try me box to see what tea delights were to be found. And delighted I was! This tastes exactly how an Apple pie tea should taste. The spices are present and complementary, with the apple taste more at the forefront with the black tea base right behind. I think this is going to knock David’s Tea “Big Apple” from my favorite apple tea spot (although that tea has been slowly slipping down my rankings with the more tea I try – there are just so many tasty options out there that seem to be a better value). I think I need to explore Apple teas a little more, it seems that there may be plenty of gems out there that I have yet to discover.
I used my typical black tea method, of heating the water until it is hot, not boiling (I was able to blow on it and sip it slowly right after it had brewed). The tea may have come out a little lighter than I intended because I may have poured it right at the 3 minute mark…o.k. I’ll admit it! The tea smelled so darn good and I was thirsty so I had a classic case of tea impatience…impateaence, if you will.
The resteep was also lovely. I did notice a touch of bitterness as the tea cooled, but it was still good. The bitterness was almost like the taste I associate with accidentally biting into an apple seed when eating an apple…a little distracting, but it still doesn’t ruin the experience for me as a whole. I have a bit of leaf remaining, so I hope I’ll be able to consistently get such good results from this tea. So far it looks like it’s a candidate for my reorder list.