493 Tasting Notes
This is a sample I got with Zen Tea Life sale.
There is nothing I can add to looseTman review. He nailed it perfectly. Some plum, some wine, a little of tobacco, smokiness is subtle.
This tea is completely different fr Spring Keemun by A&D or Pine Keemun by Wispering Pines.
Very nice afternoon cup. I think I love my Yunnan blacks more. But it’s like comparing apples and oranges. Still want to try Teavivre’s offerings to make up my mind. No rating since I’m exploring .
Happy 4th of July to you too. I’m going to watch fireworks, they decided to do it tonight in our community in Pocono ;)
3G 5 oz 190F 2 min
It’s delicious . Smells like cantaloupe / honeydew. True taste. Very nice on a hot day . Resteep was very good as well. No sugar for me but I think it would make it even more delicious. I think I’m going to enjoy it this summer;)
Flavors: Cantaloupe, Honeydew
Generous sample from Terri HarpLady – thank you so much
I love Yunnan Sourcing blacks and this one is no exception.
Gongfu method
5g 130 ml gaiwan 205F
Rinse/15/20/30/45 sec etc
Leaves like black needles with gold tips. I suggest to use scale not to underleaf it
Golden amber brew, dark chocolate, honey, malt. So rich and satisfying . It will keep me busy for numerous steeps.
Thank you so much Terri, it’s awesome tea
TeaTiff inspired me to try this tea. It’s perfect for a hot muggy morning. I cannot start my day with iced tea. It should be hot and black.
Steeped according to WP parameters 1/2 tbsp 200F 8 oz 3min
Resteep was equally good at 5 min
This tea is beautiful amber color. It is light bodied, sweet like faint honey, some pine notes which are also light. It is not smokey at all for me. I wouldn’t mind some smoke but I know many ppl hate smoky teas. So no fear. I also detected some florals but again not like floral oolongs. Everything is delicate , nice and smooth.
I have to admit Im not Keemun expert, just had a couple besides blends so I won’t rate it.
But Im happy that I picked an oz and once I run out of it I will restock.
You make this tea sound delicious. I think it’s one I would like to try, but probably I wouldn’t drink it often enough to order it. Hmmm…I should look if I can get this in the sample size……
You can! I just ordered this one in a sample pack. WP teas has a sample pack of three teas for $5. Totally worth it
Um yeah. I have already ordered a sample pack once before. So, in addition to the second sample pack, I also bought some Golden Orchid and Ailaoshan Black
Super generous sample from Terri HarpLady – thank you
3G 130 ml gaiwan 212F
Rinse/30/45/45/1min etc
Leaves are black and unruly so I used scale to not underleaf
It’s malty with muscatel and stone fruit notes kinda like Second Flush Darjeeling but with Taiwanese notes as well. Some unmistakable Taiwanese sweetness. Some dryness in aftertaste but not unpleasant . I really liked this tea as much as I like good SF Darj
Thank you Terri for the opportunity to try. It’s a winner
Free sample with my order – thank you so much Garret and Jamie.
Sample is 8g , very generous.
I love it. Dark, sweet, thick and creamy. Very flavorful. I enjoyed it a lot and want to include it with my coming up order to take advantage of this crazy fabulous 50% sale.
This is a quick note. Trying this free sample fr Mandala – thank you so much
5g 100ml glass teapot 212F
Rinse/ pause/5/10/15/20
Dark brew, no off taste very smooth
Dried fruits , thick and delicious
I have no problem drinking it even on a hot day( don’t want to drink iced teas, too much flavor). Soothing especially since I’m eating not food of my choice( burgers, corn, potatoes, pies ). Recommended
i got this with my recent YS order. made this after H&S Queen – Rose Scented combo. Nice, rich, leather, dried fruits and rose very faint. I was sipping and watching Orange is the New Black. One more episode of season2 left. Very intense. its not that funny anymore.
did you hve this one or the other 2 versions lol and yes steepster has been eating a lot of notes lately
There’s a whole thread about Steepster eating notes!
Conspiracy theory?