When I’m not feeling very well I drink tea and feel better.
My comfort the past few days has been pots of the very best black tea sipped while watching ‘Call The Midwife’ on Netflix.
If you haven’t seen this British series, test it out. The series is full of compassion and reminds me of how kind life was in the 1950’s when I was young. Neighbors looked out for each other and hope was abundant.
Laoshan Black was my warm hug in a cup.
I never have to wonder what I’m going to get when I brew up a big pot of tea…settling down…warming my hands around the mug and inhaling the vapor. I wait as long as I can before taking the first of many satisfying gulps, unable to resist such rich chocolaty flavor.
I crave dessert when I don’t feel well. Salted dark chocolate, gooey fudge brownies and Laoshan Black Tea by the pot are some of my favorites.
The first two desserts I shouldn’t have, but the third I spend neither thought of guilt nor shame indulging myself repeatedly.
Hope you feel better soon. Did you really have to mention gooey fudge brownies, though??? Now I have a craving!
This is just my seasonal fibromyalgia, migraine thing. I’ll be ok. Some of you know what I mean because you get this way too. I appreciate the well wishes and love you dear people! I don’t write well when my head is foggy though.
I raise a cup in hope that you feel better and that each sip provides a needed warm hug…miss your correspondence
Hug Bonnie, hope you feel better soon, Kisses from a rainy and gloomy Paris
Get well soon Bonnie!
Hope you feel better soon. Did you really have to mention gooey fudge brownies, though??? Now I have a craving!
oooh, brownies. Now I really want a yummy fresh-from-the-oven brownie.
This is just my seasonal fibromyalgia, migraine thing. I’ll be ok. Some of you know what I mean because you get this way too. I appreciate the well wishes and love you dear people! I don’t write well when my head is foggy though.
Hugs and mooas!
I raise a cup in hope that you feel better and that each sip provides a needed warm hug…miss your correspondence
I did send you a note.
We miss you Bonnie – hope you get well soon – hugs
Hope you feel better soon Bonnie