The bag has a strong orange and licorice fragrance. Steeped, the tea has a strong licorice fragrance, but the orange is now more subtle. Olfactory heaven, really. I figure I’d better take a sip before my nose decides to go on without me and dunk itself in. The taste is surprisingly mild. All the wonderful things that gave my nose a happy, I can’t really taste them. I pause, I swallow. There is a strong aftertaste, during which some of the shy ones make a brief appearance: orange, cinnamon. The sweet licorice coats my tongue and makes me do that thing where you scrape your tongue against your bottom or top teeth, like a scraper. My interest is piqued, but I am so far unimpressed. My nose, gullible buffoon that it is, cajoles me into taking another sip. Hmm… A little more orange this time. I remain unimpressed, but am being slowly won over.