217 Tasting Notes
Definitely time to stop hoarding this one and start drinking it up, my stashed supply is absloutely starting to feel the effects of time and age which is sad because this was always one of my favorites… The last cup of this that I drink will feel bittersweet, bitter because its the last cup I’ll EVER get to drink but sweet because although the flavor is starting to fade slightly its still pretty darn delicious!!! At least I’ve got enough to get me through the next 5-6 days!! :D
Yup, definitely seems that I am on a sip down mission today… After three years in California we’ve been advised that our company is looking to move us again. So I’ve started working my way thought the house spring cleaning style like I always do when we get this news to make it just a little less stressful when the movers eventually turn up to move us who knows where. I’ve started in the kitchen because its always helpful to know what food we have to try to eat through, give away, donate and dispose of and of course I need a good dose of caffeine to keep me motivated and moving through this process… or in this instance, a non-caffeinated break to stop me from getting super jittery!!
This is the reblend of the tea by the new 52 Teas – I cold brewed it up and although I’m getting the minty grasshopper flavors, I’m not getting much chocolate and unfortunately there’s another flavor that I can’t put my finger on that I’m not finding all that pleasant. It might be the honeybush base as I’m not the hugest fan of this type of tea. Down the sink this one is going… but I have plenty of other great 52 teas to take its place both in my cup and in my cupboard.
I’ve been reading through reviews recently and noticing that a few people are commenting that Stacy’s flavored teas are starting to crest over that flavor peak and head into the not so tasty other side so it’s got me rushing to my cupboard to enjoy as many of butikis flavored teas as I can as quickly as I can… This weekend may be the start of a Butiki sip down marathon… Which is exciting and super sad at the same time.
First on the list and upon opening the bag, I t definitely still has a decidedly pistachio scent. Brewer, the flavor is still on point,the pistachio lingering long after the sip with a hint of sweetness. Happy to say I don’t need to rush through the rest of my bag just yet, sad to say this makes me yearn for a cup of praline horizon and I’m all out.
Hi Kaylee… I actually found a small stash of praline horizon in the back of my cupboard.. But I’d be happy to send you what I’ve got left of the pistachio! PM me and we can work out details :)
I need to start this post with a big sorry to my secret pumpkin as I only managed to get their package into the post this afternoon – however its guaranteed to arrive before halloween so hopefully they forgive me…. I was packing up a big sample of this for my pumpkin as it was on their wish list when I realized I hadn’t enjoyed it myself for a couple of months AND then i realized I’d never reviewed it… must solve those serious problems!! First sips of this were full of cocoa, malt, wood and nuts which made me realize how much I’ve been drinking flavored teas recently and how much I have been neglecting my straight blacks. I seem to be going through phases right now… I find a tea, drink it to death, at the detriment to all the other amazing teas in my cupboard and then suddenly I’m over it and I’m on to the next binge drinking option. On the bright side at least its one way to manage some quickish sip downs!! Laoshan Black is something I always try to keep in my cupboard and I’m very quickly remembering why!!
Sip down and man am I going to miss this in my cupboard… so much so that I’m seriously contemplating paying the ridiculous shipping cost to have it sent to me in CA from Oz!!
Life has gotten pretty hectic the last few months between work, school and home life and I’ve been a little absent here on steepster… but I’m still drinking plenty of tea and am trying to sip down my humongous stash!! The benefit of not being on steepster so much recently? You guys haven’t been tempting me with delicious tasting notes so its been a LONG while since I really bought any tea…. YAY!!
Back to my actual tasting note… I am seriously going to miss this tea in my cupboard. It reminds me so much of rocky road – chocolate, strawberry, rhubarb and a touch of nuttiness. Its divine with a splash of milk and has kind of been my guilty pleasure recently whenever I’ve had a desert craving… What am I going to do now?!?!?! Hmmm shipping costs from Oz be that bad right??
mmmmm, man I’ve missed this tea!!! While searching the back of my cupboard this morning for something I’d long lost and had a sudden craving for I blindly pulled this out instead and my craving was immediately forgotten… this is nutty, malty, chocolatey goodness… I really wish I wasn’t about to run out forever… now thats a seriously depressing thought!!!
Mmmm I’ve drunk like three cups of this tea this morning… its pretty darn amazing and seriously reminds me of eating a big fluffy lamington…. especially when I add milk!! The dry leaf has some huge coconut pieces and a generous sprinkling of chocolate pieces which really helps the tea taste so darn authentic… No need to desperately crave a lamington when I have this tea in my stash – all i need to do is take a sip and close my eyes!!
I brewed this hot this morning and then promptly forgot about it for the next hour or so until I made it back to my desk… Holy smokes this has some amazing and authentic watermelon flavor and there’s the perfect hint of mint to even it all out and make it a super refreshing tastebud sensation… I don’t really get any of the limeade but I honestly don’t miss it with those juicy juicy watermelon and fresh mint flavors front and center… Can’t wait to try this cold brewed (on purpose) I can definitely see this being a staple by the pool throughout the never-ending summer months in socal!!
The lime was a little more subtle than I was going for, but I loved how the watermelon and mint taste here and the watermelon didn’t taste like Jolly Rancher candy so I didn’t want to change the recipe because I enjoyed it so much.
I’m glad that you do too!
The first package in my 52 Teas Kickstarter pledge arrived late last week and I have been desperately anxious to tear into them and start trying but since I was traveling over the weekend I was hesitant to open them up away from my Breville tea maker as I have strong memories of how temperamental the black base was when Frank owned the company.
It was a difficult decision this morning trying to decide what I wanted to try first but since it was breakfast time I went with the coconut french toast.. First, I gotta say, that I adore the cute little taster sized packets!! Half an ounce is the perfect size to try a tea without having to commit to something you may not like.. spoiler alert, this one is definately going on my repurchase list ASAP in the larger size!!
The scent of this tea is spot on! I get the coconut, the cardamom, the maple syrup and a touch of cinnamon or nutmeg… Taste wise, this is delicious!! Especially with a splash of milk to really bring out the creamy butteriness of french toast. A complete winner in my book and I’m now SUPER excited to try out the other four teas I have… I think next I’ll have to try Lemon Cheesecake Bar.. after all it is almost afternoon tea time!!
There is so much I should be doing today but instead I find myself struggling to get off the couch and get moving… The hubby is out rock climbing in Yosemite and I have the house to myself… which means tea and books and maybe (if I get motivated) a little bit of housework in there somewhere between cups and chapters.
Notting Hill is a decent breakfast offering but it doesn’t stand out to me as something so special I would need to run out and get more once this sample size is gone… Its good with milk and sugar and has the usual maltiness I associate with English Breakfast but theres so many other breakfast teas out there I enjoy more…
Oh man, I miss this one, especially when it was fresh. I can still imagine the taste of it right now.