Ashman is still sick. Just a cold but he is sore and a bit miserable. He worked a half day and came home at lunch, so I made an Asian dumpling soup with frozen dumplings and fresh veggies and herbs in chicken broth, plus some red pepper flakes for a little heat to help clear his stuffy nose. We had some spring rolls on the side – again, just frozen ones I heated in the oven and some sweet chili sauce with a little kick. This tea was perfect with it.
I made three steeps with water at about 160F and kept the time to around thirty seconds. Second steep went long as I was multitasking unsuccessfully, but it was still perfect.
Always with this tea there is a lot of particulate matter in the pot but it does not cause any bitterness as “dregs” can sometimes do. This seemed especially mild today, perhaps because it was slightly less leaf since it was the last of the bag. It is so brothy and hearty. I will miss it.
I am so glad I finally got the hang of Japanese green tea. I really enjoy it!
I shall send you some of lime (linden) flowers! But maybe in meantime he will be fit again!
Thank you for the offer, Martin, but I have some linden tea with mint plus four wellness blends from a local shop that I have been giving him. He seems to be a little better today.