November Sipdown Prompt – your oldest black tea
After buying tons of this tea during the pandemic, I was shocked to see that our current tin is past the best by date. This was the first black tea that Ashman enjoyed without milk and sugar so we bought tons of it, and at the beginning of lockdown there were articles circulating that said black and puerh tea might have a small amount of efficacy against those types of viruses, preventing high viral load, so Ashman drank some each day.
He expanded his palate and now he drinks a lot of black teas plain, so I guess that is how this one started to get neglected. It is delicious, though not a breakfast favorite for me because I like the oomph of Keemun and such. It is definitely nice gong fu style, and a very good tea, and we will probably repurchase it one day when the cupboard gets lower. It is a nice afternoon or summer time breakfast tea, for sure.