Sororitea Sisters sent me a sample of this to review. I really wondered how I would do this one because I do not drink coffee. It is way too bitter for me and I don’t want to doctor it up with milk and sugar.
What a nice surprise this tea gave me! It smelled like coffee and tasted a lot like coffee, but it wasn’t bitter at all. A coffee drinking friend had it with me and liked it so well that I sent the rest of the packet home with her and I ordered four ounces for me.
I am really eager to have my daughter and my future daughter-in-law try it since they love coffee.
I had this tonight with cinnamon toast as my late night snack, because it is caffeine free and I don’t have to worry about being kept up all night! Yay! Plus it is hearty and therefore it was a great beverage to cut the sweetness of the cinnamon toast and clear the palate.
I have a feeling I am going to be ordering a lot of this one.
I love straight up chicory. It has a nice autumny-wintery personality.
I think this was my first time having it. It really is a warm wintery comfort drink!