I have mentioned that my youngest daughter has become obsessed with cooking. I feel so spoiled! And she asks to drink puerh with me often now. This has led to a slight problem in supply. I am on my last cake of Mandala Tea ripe puerh. I do have a little loose puerh, and I have two flavored ones, and I have two green or sheng puerh remaining. Still….this is LOW SUPPLY! ALARM! ALARM!
Hubby was in den, so I shouted from the living room that puerh makes a great anniversary gift. He asked me where this great gift would come from, and I told him not to worry, I would order it myself! Am I a low maintenance wife or what? I will even open it before I wrap it and make sure it is good! :D
As to taste: I used about a teaspoon, maybe a bit more, in my tiny eight ounce pot. We had a liter glass kettle of water. The flavor lasted for steep after steep. It was earthy and warm.
Youngest remarked that she particularly enjoyed this session. I think that is a pretty good recommendation.
I know where you can get this if Garrett is out of stock on it. He would be the first choice and if not message me and I will hook you up. P.S. ain’t it great when the kids and grand-kids like our tea! :)
Mrmopar, it warms the cockles of my heart that my kids are all drinking tea now! And two of them are drinking a LOT of it, and my eldest daughter married a fellow from Ireland and naturally he drinks lots of tea! Bliss!
I know where you can get this if Garrett is out of stock on it. He would be the first choice and if not message me and I will hook you up. P.S. ain’t it great when the kids and grand-kids like our tea! :)
Mrmopar, it warms the cockles of my heart that my kids are all drinking tea now! And two of them are drinking a LOT of it, and my eldest daughter married a fellow from Ireland and naturally he drinks lots of tea! Bliss!
Agreed on the warming of the heart! :)