2987 Tasting Notes
This tea has low reviews, but I place it firmly within my nostalgic favourites. It is decent on its own, but steep it stronger and add milk and then you’ve got yourself the best gingerbread tea latte ever made.
I like the spice blend in this, I appreciate that it is caffeine-free, and I find it warming and sweet. Apparently this contains carob and chicory, but I don’t taste the cocoa or sickly sweet flavours often associated with them.
Flavors: Cinnamon, Clove, Ginger, Spices, Spicy, Sweet
I normally avoid stevia-laden teas but I wanted to try some of teas from the TTB. I can’t taste any stevia, however.
This is fairly hibiscus-heavy and lightly tart. The rooibos helps add a bit of sweetness without being too rooibosy. There is a lot of generic fruity flavour. I can’t pick out any particular fruits, though.
Flavors: Fruity, Hibiscus, Rooibos, Tart
To me, this tastes like a sweet tangerine green tea with some floral notes. I can see how people taste strawberries/berries, but I couldn’t pick that out distinctly when I was drinking it. I did get strong clemintine/tangerine flavours, but with sweetness and flavour without the bitter rind or tart hibiscus that will often accompany it.
Flavors: Citrus, Floral, Fruity, Orange, Orange Blossom, Sweet
I found this very astringent, lightly vegetal flavour (soy bean/edamame) and not much else. It is at least 2 years old, so it has lost a lot of flavour. I don’t love most green teas but this is a Chinese green which I sometimes enjoy. I did not enjoy this, but it was free and I wanted to try it anyway. Not a lot to say but don’t drink a two year old bagged green tea if you want flavour. This is also quite astringent, so be warned.
Flavors: Astringent, Soybean, Vegetal