I drink this a lot, so I’m actually surprised I have not rated it. I read through a lot of reviews and thought I must have the wrong name, however when I checked the label I was indeed correct. Maybe it is my batch, but I do not taste flowers, citrus fruit, or bitter/tart flavours. My steeped liquid has always tasted mostly of basic rooibos-y rooibos (woody and sweet) with a unique undertone sort of like…bubblegum? It isn’t exactly like candy/sugary and also isn’t quite fruity or vanilla, I can not really describe it. Maybe it is because I am a HUGE rooibos fan, but I find it extremely pleasant. I was surprised to learn there is hibiscus in this tisane because I do not taste tart or floral.
I appreciate that this tea is impossible to over steep. I usually do three steeps and leave the teabag in the whole time. This also makes an amazing iced tea with a squeeze of lemon and some sugar. It also makes an awesome latte, although I usually drink mine hot and plain. I find it very versatile.
Flavors: Nectar, Rooibos, Sweet, Wood