630 Tasting Notes
This is delicious. I absolutely adore blackberry, it is my favorite fruit next to raspberry. And with a drop of honey to help out the sweetness of the berry flavor, this is juicy and good. I can taste the sage but it is mellow, which I kind of like. When the herb flavor overwhelms the fruit flavor it is paired with, I usually end up feeling like I am drinking soup and reassign that tea to my “teas to cook with” section of the collection. Not a bad thing…but I like my tea to be more tea than herbs.
No rating as it is not the final incarnation of this blend. I would rate it a 90 for me personally, for anyone that might care about that sort of thing.
This is limey and definitely pretty boozey too. I am actually not sure if I like it fully, not because it isn’t accurately flavored, but because I need to sweeten it more next time because I prefer my booze sweet, haha. That said, it is perfect for this thunderstormy, sweltering summer day with no AC.
I wasn’t super impressed with this one. I would say there is a general berry flavor, but even cold steeped (which is usually pretty reliable at letting the flavor shine) it was soft and didn’t mask the unpleasant edge that Adagio’s black tea base tends to have for me. Much better fruit blends offered by this company.
A very standard green. When I drink it, it basically tastes the way I would imagine “green tea” as a category to taste. Vegetal, mineral, a bit of sweet and fruity, equally balanced, as well as a hair bitter. I prepared using a very low temp, which was good, as I can’t imagine how bitter it would have been if I had used water over 160, but it worked well this way.