630 Tasting Notes
Wow, this one packs a bit of a punch! I definitely see the comparison to coffee – the flavor is very bold, and does have a roasty taste. The leaves seemed ground, they were so small, which might account for such a strong flavor. Next time I will try using less leaf, and see if I prefer it. I like strong flavor, but this was a bit intense for me as is! Recommended for people who like a bold cup, or converted coffee drinkers.
Edit: Even using half a teaspoon, the flavor is not really for me. I do see how it could be appreciated, and I am sure coffee drinkers would LOVE this one, but it is a bit too strong for me!
Super duper delicious tea that tastes like candy cane! Not mint, no, the flavor is much more complex than that. There is some vanilla and other flavors that make it distinctly candy cane and I am addicted when I want to reach for a teabag!
I enjoy this when I find it at Marshalls in bags that are easy for travel. I prefer my chai to have more cinnamon flavor than this has, but with a bit of agave and milk it is plenty tasty!
Flavors: Cinnamon
I have teabags of this that I really enjoy traveling with because the tin was full of individually wrapped bags. The flavor is super mild, sweet, and floral. I steeped this for 2 minutes for the first 3 infusions, and 3 minutes for the next 2, 4 minutes for the third. Definitely a soft flavor, but very tasty.
Flavors: Flowers, Honey
This is a delicious tea! There is a definite mild scent to it that is unlike most other oolongs I have tried. I taste florals, peaches, and a definite honey note. I am a big fan, and look forward to the new few steeps!
Flavors: Flowers, Honey, Peach
I was amazed to realize exactly how much chocolate is in this tea, as evidenced by how chocolate “saucey” it was when it was done steeping. If you are one who sometimes gets lazy about dumping the used tea and washing your steeper, making a point to remember with this is a MUST if you want to get it easily clean.
That said, I enjoy how chocolatey it is. I wish it had a bit more spice, because I can also taste the orange pretty well. As it is now, it does taste like a chocolate orange, being about 60% chocolate and 38% orange and just the tiniest bit of spice I taste. It is good, I will enjoy finishing it, but I don’t think I enjoy it enough to repurchase. I’d just drink hot chocolate instead.
I really enjoyed this, though it isn’t particularly nuanced. I love oolong, and I love berries, so this was an obvious choice for me. I most appreciated that it didn’t seem too over-flavored, as many of Teavana’s teas tend to be, so the tea was the main event still. This is rare with Teavana stuff!