630 Tasting Notes
Fruity and spicy, but I don’t really get a baked vibe from this. It is tasty, and I would drink it again, but compared to the other offerings of this company this did not impress all that much for me personally.
This one was tasty, definitely very fruity and refreshing. I think it would be even better iced than it was hot. Hot, it didn’t wow me so much, but that might be because I have had some really standout blends from this company that make this one seem worse than it really is.
I am impressed yet again! This tea has a very tropical, fruity taste that works well with the black/green combo base. The floral is present, but not in equal measure with the fruity, but that is fine by me. Very enjoyable.
Got this as part of a sampler during a sale and it is tasty, but unremarkable. The almond is very present but kind of artificial, and it is VERY juicy and sweet without adding sweetener but I wouldn’t say I can pick out plum taste. And I would know, I adore plum! Overall, I will enjoy finishing up the sample baggie, but will not be repurchasing. Recommended for those who like their tea to remind them a fair bit of juice.
That is pretty much all I can say. I love rose, I love mint, and I think white tea is just fabulous for carrying flavor. I was worried the mint would overwhelm this but it really doesn’t. Both the rose and mint are equally represented, making it a calming tea I could see enjoying hot or iced depending on the season. I cannot wait to get more!
Holy cow, this is SUPER butterscotch! Like, most butterscotch teas taste like tea with a bit of butterscotch. This tastes like butterscotch with a bit of tea, particularly if you sweeten it at all! Awesome to have for a dessert cup…or first thing in the morning like I did.
I really enjoy this, though I wouldn’t have guessed honeysuckle just by tasting it. It does have a sweetness, and a fruitiness to it that tempers the normal earthy pu-erh taste. I could definitely see repurchasing to have as an everyday pu-erh!
This tea is tasty, but probably not for everyone. I did short steeps, and did about 4-5 of them. I did 30 seconds to start, and added 30 seconds subsequent times. This led to a very mild flavor, more muted than I normally prefer, but it did good things for this tea. The flavors here are very mineraly and metallic almost, which taste more like ocean breeze when the tea isn’t very strong. I imagine if brewed for a full few minutes right off the bat, this would taste more like licking a pole.
Flavors: Metallic, Mineral, Ocean Breeze
I am a really big fan of this tea! It is mild but doesn’t lack in flavor. It has a definite tropical pull but the rose is present and keeps things a bit unexpected. I will absolutely be buying this once my tin from the subscription runs out!
I enjoyed this one a lot. It definitely has baked notes and the almond flavor is strong without being overwhelming or too artificial. However, to really get the “cookie” sense, add a little sweetener and milk.
Edit: While trying to sip down more of my stash, this now tastes horrifically artificial. No, thanks. Won’t even be rehoming the rest.