1118 Tasting Notes
Tea of the morning. This is the perfect tea to sip on while getting my oh so grumpy family off to school and work. I guess this is our virtual Monday since yesterday was a snow day, so I should have expected the growling grumps around here. :)
Backlogging from yesterday.
Such a cozy cup. I really like how this tea smells like a nice crusty bread but has lots of cocoa notes and little hints of caramel. It’s like a treat inside a treat.
Flavors: Bread, Caramel, Cocoa
Hello Steepster peeps. I’ve missed you. I ended up getting a nasty case of pneumonia that culminated in a short stay in the hospital. Not fun. Even after I got home I spent most of my time sleeping and recovering, so it’s nice to feel like I’m back in the land of the living. I’d much rather be here with a nice cup of tea in my hand while reading all of your lovely tea notes.
Speaking of tea, I’m still loving this one. The warm sweetness, the dark chocolate note, the honey is all wonderful. The first cup had lot more graham cracker flavor than I remember from previous cups, but it was really nice. The second steep offered more of a balance and all of the layers that I love so much. This is exactly what I wanted. So good!
Someone else had pneumonia… Ysaurella, I think. Plus something like eight of my friends, my dentist, and my friend’s dog.
When this tea was first introduced I fell in love with it, so I picked up four ounces during the Black Friday sale. Unfortunately, I’m not as crazy about it anymore. Its still nice, but it doesn’t make my eyes roll back in my head the way it used to. Lesson learned, I suppose.
I over leafed slightly and ended up with a marshmallow-y sweet cup. The caramel was there more as the tea cooled, but it does have a bit of an aftertaste. Added some milk just to up the creaminess factor which helped smooth out the rough edges. Like I said, its nice, but its no longer a favorite.
It is a bummer. I keep hoping I’ll fall in love with it again, but I think this one might be heading for the swap pile.
I had already planned to have this tea when I saw your note. And then I had the same experience! I may also have over-leafed, so hopefully that’ll fix it for next time.
It’s late, and I shouldn’t be drinking caffeine, but I really wanted this. It’s such a great chai, and it makes me happy. And really, who couldn’t do with a little more happy?
Still loving the blend of spices in this one. It’s spicy and sweet, and it’s well balanced against the base tea. Yummy stuff.
Tonight the creamy vanilla note is strongest with the mint coming in at the end of the sip. I forgot to overleaf, so this is weaker than I like. Still, it’s tasty.
Flavors: Cream, Vanilla
No, not at all. The popcorn is only in the tea for decoration. It’s supposed to make you think about stringing popcorn to hang on the Christmas tree. Honestly, I started picking the popcorn out of mine a while ago because it made me think of Genmaicha.
Tea of the morning. Last week was rough and kind of left me reeling, so I’m taking today to rest and reset. That means today will be full of comfort teas, and I’m looking forward to each cup.
The mint in this tea is so good. It has that crisp, bright, straight-from-the-garden flavor rather than a toothpaste or candy taste. It’s definitely able to hold its own with the lapsang souchong. The combination of smoke and mint is so relaxing – like being wrapped under my favorite blanket and sitting by the fire.
I ordered this sample from Red Leaf back in December, but I’m just now getting around to making it. I’ve been curious about the flavored matchas for a while, so I’m excited to finally get to try one!
This was prepared as a cold latte following the directions sent with the tea. It’s ok, but it needs some sweetness. After adding a teaspoon of raw sugar I can say that this is really nice! Definite eggnog flavor. It’s creamy with a strong vanilla custard flavor and a strong nutmeg finish. Wow, I could get used to drinking these.
Now that I understand what all the fuss is about I’m off to see which flavors I want to try next.
I find it hard to not be grumpy myself every day I wake up and see this miserable weather continuing. Even my 8 year old, who normally loves winter and snow, is tired of this long winter. “No more snow!” she tells me… lol Yesterday I woke up to -19C, today -17C. There is a hope on the horizon at the end of this week though… Temps are going up to a zero Celsius!! Yay!