Christmas Tradition

Tea type
Black Tea
Black Tea, Mint, Popped Corn, Sprinkles, Vanilla Flavour, Vanilla Pieces
Peppermint, Vanilla, Creamy, Mint, Smooth, Cream, Malt, Sweet
Sold in
Loose Leaf
Not available
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Edit tea info Last updated by Anna
Average preparation
205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 30 sec 8 oz / 242 ml

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57 Tasting Notes View all

  • “Its my birthday! Today I’m being whisked off to a fancy brunch, and to the opera! I love the opera, so I’m excited. Time to start the day off right, with this minty, vanilla-y wonderfulness. Its...” Read full tasting note
  • “Tea of the evening. Sipped on this while watching old Veronica Mars episodes. I love that she’s a kick butt detective and her name’s Veronica. :) Anyway, this was a nice creamy mint vanilla tea. I...” Read full tasting note
  • “So my order arrived today! I haven’t ordered Della Terra since September and was all out of everything aside from the Pumpkin Pie tea I was hoarding. Now I have so many flavours to choose from!!! I...” Read full tasting note
  • “Sipdown!! (167) I don’t know what I did with this cup but it is tasting very weak and watered down today. I am getting vanilla water which is especially upsetting as this is the last of my sample....” Read full tasting note

From Della Terra Teas

Go back to the days of Christmas tradition with popcorn strung on the tree, silver balls and delicious flavors. This tea combines all of those, with vanilla, cream and amazing mint! Create a new Christmas tradition with this magical tea!

Ingredients: Black tea, vanilla bits and flavor, cream flavor, mint, popcorn, silver and red sprinkles*

Allergens: contains dairy, soy. For more allergy info visit our FAQ

Suggested brewing tips

Serving Size: 1 level tsp./6oz serving

Water Temp: 210°F

Steep Time: 2-5 minutes

*Tea add-in ingredients subject to change.

About Della Terra Teas View company

Company description not available.

57 Tasting Notes

2970 tasting notes

Its my birthday! Today I’m being whisked off to a fancy brunch, and to the opera! I love the opera, so I’m excited.
Time to start the day off right, with this minty, vanilla-y wonderfulness.
Its perhaps silly, at my age, but I’m always excited for my birthday.


Happy birthday! Sounds like you have a fun day planned. Enjoy!!


Happy Birthday! :)

Roswell Strange

Happy Birthday!


Sounds fabulous. Have an amazing day and a great year!


Oh my goodness! Happy Birthday!!! Hope it’s a great one!!


Happy birthday!! enjoy!


Yay, happy happy birthday!


Happy birthday!


Happy birthday! Hope your day was great!


Happy birthday!

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1118 tasting notes

Tea of the evening. Sipped on this while watching old Veronica Mars episodes. I love that she’s a kick butt detective and her name’s Veronica. :) Anyway, this was a nice creamy mint vanilla tea. I like the mellow flavors but that it still taste like a dessert tea. One of my favorites from DT.


One of the series I’ve been meaning to watch for ages!


VERONICA MARS OMG! Sorry. I just really like the show and the movie is coming out the day before my birthday and I just realized I wasn’t punctuating but that is mostly because this is one long, excited sentence in my head. Sorry. I REALLY like the show.


Ooh, I just looked up the release date of the movie, and it’s a few days after my birthday. Yay for March babies! :)


Haha! Yay! It is like the world is giving us a birthday gift :)

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1598 tasting notes

So my order arrived today! I haven’t ordered Della Terra since September and was all out of everything aside from the Pumpkin Pie tea I was hoarding.

Now I have so many flavours to choose from!!!

I decided to start with this because I wanted to feel festive. I like it!

I wish that maybe the mint was a little stronger, but this is nice and creamy! 1 oz of this won’t last long. :)

205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 30 sec

WTH?!?! you’re the second lucky person who’s gotten a delivery on sunday! waaaaahhh!


nooooot faaaaiiiiirrrr!


Since when does Canada Post deliver on Sundays?!? The only time I ever got a delivery on the weekend is when they hosted a special delivery programs for the release of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows


Awwww. I could see the Post Office guys driving around like crazy today, dropping off packages! I didn’t expect it at all, but I’m happy I finally got ONE of my BF packages. :P


maybe Cavo sneaks them tea samples….. ;0)


I look forward to reading your DTT reviews since I wimped out on the Black Friday sale haha.

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6444 tasting notes

Sipdown!! (167)

I don’t know what I did with this cup but it is tasting very weak and watered down today. I am getting vanilla water which is especially upsetting as this is the last of my sample. Oh well, c’est la vie. Anyways, thank you Veronica for sharing this tea with me. I am very glad I got to try it out.

205 °F / 96 °C 2 min, 0 sec

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358 tasting notes

I missed out on all of the 12 days of tea boxes because I couldn’t decide. I enjoyed opening the teas each day last year, but there were some that I wasn’t really excited about tasting. This year I decided instead to make my own 12 days of tea by just ordering teas that I’ve been wanting to try and adding them to a big bag that I’ll randomly draw out of each day. Except that I went overboard and ordered so many teas that it’s more like the 25+ days of tea! This is the only new tea that’s came so far, and I decided to go ahead and try it today. Yesterday was actually hot here (80 degrees!) and so sunny. Today I woke up to a freezing house from where I’d turned the heat down yesterday, and a rainy, windy day outside. It’s definitely feeling more like Christmas with the change in weather, so this tea is a perfect fit!

The dry leaves smell wonderful, and the tea itself has a rich vanilla and mint aroma. I like the flavor, too. It’s rather light on the vanilla and mint flavors, but the cream flavor definitely makes up for it. It’s absolutely wonderful with a little milk and sugar. This is a wonderful tea for people like me who enjoy minty flavors, but sometimes want a cup that isn’t overwhelmingly knock-your-socks-off mint, and this tea is just perfectly minty without overdoing it. I’m more of a cream flavored than mint gal, so this is (literally) my cup of tea. I hope I enjoy the rest of my new teas as much as I’ve enjoyed this one!

-Dry blend has medium black tea leaves and twigs with pieces of green mint, small gold balls, small red and white candy canes and pieces of popcorn.
-Dry leaves smell like soft and creamy mint. Tea liquor aroma is of rich vanilla with a hint of mint.
-Tea liquor is a clear medium orange brown color.
-Smooth creamy vanilla flavor with a light minty finish. Heavy cream and mint aftertaste.
-Best with milk and sweetener.
-Very good tea. Light vanilla and mint flavor with a deep creamy taste.

205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 30 sec

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218 tasting notes

Darn, I’m so out of season. I wish this was a sipdown… But it’s not ;D

It looks fabulous with all the sprinkles and popcorn but tastes mostly like a black tea with mint. Now, I know I said before that I rather dislike mint in tea but here it doesn’t bother me too much. It’s quite enjoyable, especially at first, when it cools down it gets kind of… boring.

Boiling 3 min, 30 sec 1 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

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1398 tasting notes

I haven’t had a Della Terra tea in a while. This one is creamy and delicious, true Della Terra black mint tea style. The vanilla tones the mint down to something more suited to my tastes, and the black tea base complements the flavouring nicely.

Thanks for sharing KiwiDelight!

Boiling 3 min, 30 sec

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2238 tasting notes

On the eleventh day of Christmas, Della Terra gave to me…Christmas Tradition!

This isn’t hugely different from the other mint and vanilla teas I’ve tried so far, but it is pleasant to drink. It’s very creamy, especially with milk added, and this combined with the peppermint give a kind of candy cane flavour. There is something buttery here that I’m not 100% keen on. Maybe it’s the popcorn? Either way, it makes it just a little bit too rich for my liking. I’ll try this one without milk next time, because I think that’s how I’ll ultimately prefer it. When there’s a silver ball in the mix, I’ll be able to admire the shimmer, too! A pleasant treat for Christmas Eve, even if it’s probably not one I’d restock.

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec

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1379 tasting notes

A tea with popcorn yay. It smells sweet and minty in a candy cane sort of way.

For the most part it also tastes like candy cane but perhaps not as strong as Della Terra’s actual Candy Cane blend. It is still sweet and minty though which matches it’s smell at least. The popcorn doesn’t really add anything to the flavour (or at least I can’t taste any). It’s nice but not as pleasant as Della Terra’s other Christmas mint teas such as Peppermint Bark or Wintermint.

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec

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4843 tasting notes

On the Eleventh day of Christmas, Della Terra Teas sent me this tea!

Happy Christmas Eve! I’m glad this tea was in the box, because it’s yummy. The popcorn doesn’t add a lot of flavor to this (if any) but it does make the dry leaf look festive and fun. I like that the mint isn’t overpowering here, it’s more of a gentle mint taste. Nice and creamy.

Here’s my full-length review:

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