818 Tasting Notes
I think I’m liking the laoshan black blends even more than the straight laoshan black. It’s such a good base! I’m on a complexity roll too! I really enjoyed this one. At first, I thought, this is just laoshan black mixed with genmaicha. But as I sipped, it became a more and more comforting, well-blended cup! The first steep was like a toasty laoshan black. By the second steep, the honey notes I noted while drinking laoshan black popped out once again, and by the end of the cup it tasted like honeyed nuts! Yum!
Got the sampler size of this, which is more than generous at 0.5 oz. This tea is a nice blend. The white tea lightens up the black tea. I didn’t even add milk, which is unusual for me with a black tea. It tasted like a combination of vanilla and cocoa nibs in a light black tea base. The second steep was a whole lot different, in that the white tea is more prominent, and there’s more of a vegetal floral note. I’m not sure I’m in love, but I will enjoy the rest of the bag.
I tried this one the other day. I haven’t written about yet since my taster is still on the fritz. But I liked it. The vanilla holds up pretty strong which I liked. I added honey and a little milk and it totally tasted like a milk shake. You should try that if you like milk in your teas. Just brew it extra strong.
Another fun sample to try from Laurent! Thank you! I was really eager to try this one since I like dessert teas and I loved Grand Amour, and this one has some of the same flavors. The dry leaf smelled sweet. I steeped this one for 4 minutes, being cautious about the astringency. At first, it smelled sweet with some sort of smokiness…uh oh, not a fan of smoke. How did that get in there? Anyway, it tasted like a (slightly smoky) vanilla tea with a bit of caramel. The caramel shone through more as it cooled. Overall, it was not as exciting as I hoped. I think because I kept comparing it to Grand Amour, which has both the vanilla and caramel AND fruity flavors on top. I think, in this case, I prefer a more complex flavor.
OMG! This tea is AMAZING! Thank you to Azzrian and TastyBrew for writing such good reviews and tempting me to buy this tea!
First of all, let me say, it was awesome that shipping only took 1 day! Probably due to the fact that their address is about an hour away from me, but awesome nonetheless. Makes me wish they had a store, and I could just stop by when I’m up there!
This tea is the most bake-y, bread-y tea I’ve ever tasted. It’s like breakfast in a cup! When I first smelled the dry leaves in the tin, it actually reminded me of an oatmeal raisin cookie, WAY more so than teas named that. Steeped, it is liquid cinnamon swirl bread with butter spread on top! Yes, I tasted the butter!! I have to admit I added some sugar and a splash of soy milk, which made it MORE buttery!
I was surprised that you only need to steep it for 2 minutes. It was definitely strong enough to stand up to milk and sugar. Also, it says you can get 5 steeps out of each TBSP. I steeped it 3 times and there was absolutely no loss of flavor, so they’re probably right!
I am so glad I bought the tin! Yum yum yummy!!!
Proof of what you can do with puerh,and no artificial flavoring! A really good tasting tea that resteeps well.
jessiewrites – I wish there was a cheaper way to get it to you!
Bonnie – so, since I’ve never had puerh, what flavor do you think it brings to this tea?
Good question. In this case, I think Janet used a bready tasting puerh instead of one that’s earthy or cedar wood flavored. Puerh can be steeped many times which is giving body to this tea. Puerh is good for your digestion and blood pressure and cholesterol so what’s not to like! Like all tea, there are inferior puerhs and good ones.
I just HAD to compare this one to the laoshan village chai that I had yesterday and loved! So my coworker and I both picked up a hot cup this morning. It’s really different than the laoshan village chai, in that it’s more sweet. Not sure if that’s because of the fact that they sweeten it for you. It’s also not as earthy, but I think I love them both. Surprisingly, even though they are both chai, it’s like comparing apples to oranges. Yay, for two good chai’s!
I have about 1 serving left. This tea went fast! I really love this one, but I’m wondering, does anyone have a s’mores tea they like better?
Nope but I do have a chocolate tea or two I prefer over this one. I do like the marshmallowey taste of this one though!
Wait until the reviews of 52teas’ S’mores Genmaicha start coming in. That might be better (but IMO Della Terra’s was one of the better ones).
Got this as a sample in my Butiki order. Thanks, Stacy! I really wasn’t sure about this one, mostly because of the cilantro. I used to hate cilantro, but I’ve learned to like it, that is, mixed into a stir-fry or something. This tea has a very strong cilantro flavor. The pineapple is more muted. I wonder if adding sweetener would bring out the pineapple more? The tea overall feels thick and creamy, which is nice. The leaves are so pretty too. Little pink petals included! I think this would be a good tea to have with Mexican food, and I don’t think there are a lot of teas that fit that pairing!
Interesting what a different palate can taste, huh? For me it was PINEAPPLE PALOOZA oh yeah with some spice from cilantro.
Maybe you took more note of the cilantro because you used to hate it; more on your guard with it.
Either way it’s interesting, and glad that you enjoyed it. :)
Tealizzy-Adding sugar will bring out the pineapple more and subdue the cilantro.
Chizakura-With this tea I have been getting a lot of interesting feedback. It seems that there is a pretty big divide about whether the pineapple or cilantro is the strongest. Personally, I find the pineapple to be the strongest but the feedback has been pretty varied. Also, it seems that people who prefer their tea pipping hot notice the cilantro more.
Clearly, I killed this one. I got the sample size of this tea, and thank goodness there’s enough for another try, because I killed it. I know the steeping instructions were all about shorter steep times, gongfu style, but I thought since I’d steeped other oolongs western style, that it would be okay. I was wrong. I’m new to oolongs, as you can see. Well, so I steeped it for 3 minutes, and it smelled and tasted like I oversteeped AND burned it. Oops. So I did another steep of the same leaves for 1 1/2 minutes, and it was better, but I think I ruined the leaves in the first round. I added honey in the second round, so I’m not really sure if it just tasted better because of the sweetener or the shorter steep time. Overall, it tasted like an oversteeped toasted green tea. Lesson learned: will do short steeps!
I wouldn’t add honey the second time either if I might suggest. Honey has a flavor and you’ll have a hard time finding the true oolong taste when you use it. Most people only use honey with spicy tea like chai or black tea or a non-delicate blend.
Thanks, Bonnie. Good tip! Especially since I’m intrigued by oolongs right now and would like to try more. :)
Omg. Sounds like my first attempt with a Verdant dark oolong. Yeah, I killed it. They are very finicky sometimes, and either require very reduced leaf and/or shorter infusion times. Glad to know to watch out with this tea – I have some en route :D
Got a sampler size of this, and I’m now wishing I had more! This is an exceptional chai. It’s earthy and well-rounded. I loved it!
Update: Just re-steeped this. I think this may be the best chai I’ve ever had at home (my favorite being Samovar’s). I think I need more!!
Ooh, maybe I’ll try some eventually. :) I’ve been in the search for a yummy chai (besides pumpkin ones xD) and this could be it. :D
You should check it out. It’s not one of those strong cinnamon chai’s. More cardamom. The laoshan black rounds it out well!
This is one of the most interesting black teas I’ve had. The leaves look like brambles and thorns, like something that grows in a dark scary forest! For a tea that’s not flavored, it sure tastes like it is. I totally got the brownie batter taste and smell that everyone is talking about. Not the store-bought mix, but the from-scratch kind. The flavor is extremely robust, complex, and lasts through multiple steepings. It’s very malty, and the malty-ness seems to linger at the end of the sip and gives me the urge to clear my throat. Weird. Maybe I should steep this for less time? I did western style (1 TBSP at 3 min).
I must admit, I added sugar and a splash of soy milk. I really can’t get myself to drink a black tea without those.
On the second and third steepings, I noticed a stronger honey note. I like that! I’m thinking I actually like the third steeping the best….interesting.
Even after feeling very full from this tea after 2 steepings, I decided to make scones to enjoy with the third! I feel like I cheated, because I made them from a mix, and I usually make them from scratch, but the mix was a Christmas present from my husband. He’s so sweet! The scones were a cream-type scone….maple cinnamon…and I’m used to buttermilk-based scones, but man, those cinnamon chips were delicious!
Sooooooo jealous! I’m so terribly excited about my first order of Laoshan Black to get here that I almost can’t stand it. XD It’ll be here any day now. My fingers are crossed for tomorrow :)
This note just makes it sound even more delicious!
Ya, the hardest part for me was waiting until I had time for multiple steepings! I hope you enjoy it!
I have that same problem. I think that’s why I haven’t been drinking ones like this and sticking to flavoured ones which are only good for one steeping anyway, because when you’re constantly on the go, you don’t have to waste tea like this one on just one steep. :)
Save the leaves. Also, as the weather warms up I throw the leaves in water and then in the frig for cold brewing. I have some right now!