772 Tasting Notes
I enjoyed this, but it certainly wasn’t as good as it was when it was fresh. I really need to get better at drinking these up a lot quicker, especially the flavoured ones because the flavour fades faster than a lot of the other ingredients. This still wasn’t bad, but it definitely wasn’t as great as it was a year ago even.
Enjoying the Steepster chat today. We discussed many things, from the ridiculous to the grossout horrible. And tea of course.
Oh yeah, and this was a sipdown.
This tea has reached it’s end. This is a sipdown and gladly so because this tea did not age very well. Nearly a year after my last review, the main dominating note is sour hibiscus and not much else. There is no remaining cream and even heavily sweetened, it isn’t very pleasant. I think I prefer this one fresh and if I restock I will need to drink it up within the first 9 months or so.
This tea was a bit of a toss up on whether I would like it or not with so few tasting notes and the mediocre rating but I gave it a try anyway and I am glad that I did. I was looking for something sweet this morning to go with my amazing local greek yogurt and picked this since it arrived at my doorstep yesterday.
This tea is really quite lovely and although I did add some extra sweetener to bump up the sweet flavour to compete with the yogurt, the caramel and rooibos flavour come through as well and I really enjoyed this. I think I only have about 1 more serving in the pack (seems to make about 3 of my big mugs) and I’ll have to remember this one for future Mahamosa orders.
No free tea this time because they sent me a free container! It’s pretty sweet and nice and red with one of those clear tops (probably UV protected, I didn’t look but that’s how they usually are of that style). It’s really quite lovely and fits the 2oz package I got in this order very nicely.
Flavors: Caramel, Rooibos, Sweet
Backlog from Friday -
Considering I have been mostly avoiding bergamot for a while because I lost my taste for it, I was a bit surprised that I liked this so much. It isn’t overwhelming, a nice balance and a very very nice base tea.
I actually really enjoyed it and was sad over the weekend when I couldn’t have more because I was craving it. This is actually really good earl grey and I am sad that it’s an archived blend. Hopefully it will come back at some point.
Flavors: Bergamot
This one came back in the Verdant Blends box this past summer :) it is such a good tea! I am hoarding it lol
Backlog because Steepster wasn’t cooperating on Friday -
Still enjoying this tea, though this is the last of it. Posted a list of my work desk teas and apt in the chatroom picked this one out for me when I was being indecisive. Good choice. The honey is definitely still present in the smell, quite nice, and the taste is mostly okay, but for an old bagged tea, I can’t complain too much.
Enjoying this tea again tonight though it is possible that my tastebuds are even more sensitive than normal today for some reason. Since I’m normally on supertaster level, this isn’t really a good thing. Especially since I taste things really strongly but I’m not good at identifying what I am tasting if I’m not very familiar with it in other contexts.
In this case, I still enjoy this tea but it tastes very ‘dark’ tonight, with a bit of an unpleasant aftertaste. It’s not quite perfect and definitely not my preference for vanilla tea, which is normally my favourite type of tea. Ah, well. This is a sipdown anyway.
ETA: second cup of the pot, added granulated sugar instead of rock sugar (because I was lazy and didn’t want to wait for it to melt) and more milk and it came out really much tastier. Very tasty actually. Much better. Now I’m sad that it’s a sipdown :(
Stayed home from work today because combination PMS nastiness and headache of doom. Finally worked up the nerve for some tea later in the day (was afraid of nausea) and having finally set up my computer at home and hanging out at the Steepster Chat, decided I should really make some. I haven’t made real tea at home in months. Kitchen is still atrociously disorganized and in some places dirty but the Breville is sparklingly clean after it’s bath with the specialized cleaner stuff. Hardly any stain at all and I finally got the bleachy smell to go away.
So, on with the tea. I think I may have overleafed it this time. I didn’t record how much tea I put in the last time I drank it, but I seemed to have liked it much better than I did today. It is still sweet and pleasantly toasty but the thing about green teas that I don’t like, not quite bitterness but close, was really strong, especially in the second cup. I should only try 1 tsp per 8 oz next time please, self. I think that would be more pleasant.
I did enjoy quite a bit of kitty cuddles from 3 of my 5 kitties while hanging out on the couch. And now it is time to call my mother.
Flavors: Berry, Rice, Toasty
Drinking this again and I am far far too tired to be really interacting with Steepster, as I discovered about 5 minutes ago when a response to a comment I made almost made me cry for no reason.
This tea is quite malty but I’m not enjoying it as much as I apparently did last time because there’s a definite bitterness that sweeps in on the aftertaste. I’ll try again with the second steep tomorrow morning and then thankfully it is the weekend and I can die on my bed on Saturday.
Found more of this. I’m not sure I can properly make an unbiased tea note toward this tea because I’m resentful that I found more of it. I didn’t really measure properly when making it, just made the whole thing into one pot so this one had BETTER be a sip down. The hibiscus is a bit strong. Coconut is okay and not soapy, pineapple is present, otherwise I am very much not impressed. Yokotea has been a continual disappointment for me in terms of blends.
The bergamot in this today is just really not making me happy. Could be a couple of factors. This tea is old. I’ve really lost my taste for Earl Grey in general. I ruined my tastebuds this morning with a (delicious) marionberry greek yogurt. Possibly overleafed.
At any rate, not especially enjoying this today but it’s only one cup this time, not a pot because I hadn’t gone water gathering yet when I made it and soon it will be over and I can move on. Until next time, TARDIS blend. Until next time.