Stayed home from work today because combination PMS nastiness and headache of doom. Finally worked up the nerve for some tea later in the day (was afraid of nausea) and having finally set up my computer at home and hanging out at the Steepster Chat, decided I should really make some. I haven’t made real tea at home in months. Kitchen is still atrociously disorganized and in some places dirty but the Breville is sparklingly clean after it’s bath with the specialized cleaner stuff. Hardly any stain at all and I finally got the bleachy smell to go away.
So, on with the tea. I think I may have overleafed it this time. I didn’t record how much tea I put in the last time I drank it, but I seemed to have liked it much better than I did today. It is still sweet and pleasantly toasty but the thing about green teas that I don’t like, not quite bitterness but close, was really strong, especially in the second cup. I should only try 1 tsp per 8 oz next time please, self. I think that would be more pleasant.
I did enjoy quite a bit of kitty cuddles from 3 of my 5 kitties while hanging out on the couch. And now it is time to call my mother.
Flavors: Berry, Rice, Toasty
I hope that blasted PMS will pipe down for you!