772 Tasting Notes
This is actually the second time I ‘ve had this in the last 2 days but yesterday I oversteeped it by I don’t know how much since I was trying to vacuum at the same time and it came out bitter and bleh. Today, I was much better about timing and it came out okay. Just okay though, I think this one is suffering from age. The tea is sweet and there’s a bit of chocolate and I can kind of taste the raspberry. It tastes like Valentine’s Day, if that makes sense, but I didn’t enjoy it as much as I thought I would.
Sad Sipdown, I used the last of this this evening. I guestimated on water since I just poured the rest of the baggie into my pot. It filled up my cup so maybe 13 oz? Still very vanilla despite it’s age. I shall miss it, it was a very good vanilla tea.
I’m going to need more information on that statement, Starfevre. You can’t leave me hanging like this.
The reblend of this is by far my favourite earl grey. This is not the reblend, but it is still good. The original is very bergamoty and bready and nice. Still good after being hoarded for quite some time. I think I have one more cup of this and then it’s gone. Just a good cup of tea.
Did NOT oversteep this today, for once, so it was quite tasty. Nothing special, no real taste notes to speak of, just a nice black tea that I use to ‘clean out’ my mug when I have chai first thing in the morning. I’m bringing in a specific tea mug on Monday so I won’t have to start every day with this soon. I’ve been sick for 3 days and unmotivated to make tea so it’s nice to get back on the ‘horse’ so to speak.
Well, it smells very tangerine-y and I hope it will taste as good. I didn’t notice the Stevia in the ingredient label or I probably wouldn’t have tried this but I’ve steeped it already so here goes.
Well, it is very sweet, but somehow still tasty! The tangerine is very present with a background of herbal things. I added some real sugar as is my wont and I think it overpowered the stevia taste I hate. This is a very interesting tea although I probably won’t have it again. Free tea bags FTW!
Flavors: Tangy
Okay tea. Some vanilla flavour but a bit bitter, even with milk and a touch of sugar. Definitely not my favourite vanilla black tea.
I also find this one bitter (and acrid, maybe?). I also think it lacks in the vanilla department. I use it to flavor baking sometimes (steep several teabags in the liquid I add to the batter of scones or muffins.
This is super old at this point but still very tasty, even if I did oversweeten it since I figured out that the entire contents of my favourite teapot fits into my huge deadpool mug at once. Makes for fewer trips to the kitchen anyway. Makes judging sweetener more difficult so far. The fact that I was simultaneously drinking a Dr Pepper probably didn’t help but this was still good. Stood up to 2 steeps. I wish Butiki were still in business.