tea from cavocorax i might be trying to sneak in some easy sipdowns today before we head off to winterlicious tonight. I caved and ordered 3 puerhs today from streetshop88 which means i’m in even more trouble as far as my cupboard goes. On the upside, they likely won’t be getting here anytime soon LOL
This is a tea that i can get behind in theory… it’s making me want to bust out my non existant blending skills and make a smokey, orange, vanilla tea. Sadly this is an adagio blend so it smells like orange and smoke and delicious..and then tastes like 99% of every other black based adagio fan blend. blech. :( At least i tried..and it HAS given me inspiration!! so still a win in my books!
Haha. Well, that’s something!
I love that Shmiracles created this after reading a story that was the most angst-ridden and painful love story I’d encountered when reading fic. And so I can suffer a little each time. :P You can’t put a price on that!