The Progress of Sherlock Holmes

Tea type
Black Tea
Black Tea, Cardamom, Lapsang Souchong, Natural Orange Flavor, Orange, Roasted Yerba Mate, Safflower
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From Adagio Custom Blends

this Fics and Sips Tea created purely for my own enjoyment and inspired by The Progress of Sherlock Holmes written by ivyblossom.

Created by: Shmiracles

Ingredients: black tea, toasted mate, lapsang souchong, orange & natural orange flavor, safflower & cardamom

Steeping Instructions: Steep at 195° for 3 minutes.

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4 Tasting Notes

814 tasting notes

yesterday i battled my social anxiety to throw my boyfriend an awesome birthday party. i’d say it was a success.
but today i’m sullen and irritable.
so when this tea arrived in the mail i felt almost weepy with excitement!
i created and ordered this blend on the adagio website on thursday while i was at work.
this tea did not turn out very good, but it was my first tea blend attempt.
not enough lapsang. not enough vanilla. i guess they are kinda two flavors that don’t exactly make sense so they kinda end up canceling each other out.
i’m gonna try again i think. or maybe buy one of those sampler mixer sets? idk. i’ve started this goal and i tend to get a bit obsesses in situations like these.

Terri HarpLady

too much sugar probably…;)


It sounds interesting in theory anyway! Plus, it’s Sherlock. :D


hey Tea Sipper, i’m gonna continue to mess with the blend a bit. maybe it needs a slight fruity tartness to make the vanilla more bright? give it more definition. anyways, i ordered some adagio samples of more lapsang, and vanillas like green and rooibos, and a tart apple blend. if it’s just for me i figure i can really just do whatever i want :)
it’s definitely already turned into a nice learning experience!
and yes, it’s Sherlock!! and i have to pass the time until the next season SOMEWAY.


Ooh. I’ll keep an eye out to see if you get this one figured out.


oh hah i’m sure i’ll post on the “Steepster’s Ultimate Fan Fic Thread!” with enthusiasm when i do ;)

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6444 tasting notes

I oversteeped this and it tastes like a dirty orange-flavored cigarette. Blech

Thank you Cavocorax for sharing though. You never know unless you try.

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15575 tasting notes

tea from cavocorax i might be trying to sneak in some easy sipdowns today before we head off to winterlicious tonight. I caved and ordered 3 puerhs today from streetshop88 which means i’m in even more trouble as far as my cupboard goes. On the upside, they likely won’t be getting here anytime soon LOL

This is a tea that i can get behind in theory… it’s making me want to bust out my non existant blending skills and make a smokey, orange, vanilla tea. Sadly this is an adagio blend so it smells like orange and smoke and delicious..and then tastes like 99% of every other black based adagio fan blend. blech. :( At least i tried..and it HAS given me inspiration!! so still a win in my books!


Haha. Well, that’s something!
I love that Shmiracles created this after reading a story that was the most angst-ridden and painful love story I’d encountered when reading fic. And so I can suffer a little each time. :P You can’t put a price on that!

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