drank Spiked Eggnog by Herbal Infusions
15575 tasting notes

sipdown! mostly because i really need to drink up some of these teas because HOLY THERE ARE TEA STORES IN CHICAGO! like close to the hotel…i can handle a 25 min walk for tea. I anticipate leaving early from work on monday and going to buy tea….just a hunch. I’m sure that now that i’ve said that, the world will conspire to keep me away from everything tea related but a girl’s gotta try!

this tea was less yummy the second time around but still decent enough to enjoy. not a restock though as there are others i prefer. Appreciate it though dexter! i’ve had a lovely time with these :)


What, WHAT. You’re going to CHICAGO?!


Snap to it, Sil. Better make some room for your obvious Chicago tea haul! Chug, chug, chug.


yeah i leave Sunday night, but get in too late to actually explore tea places… work all day monday – hoping i can get out of work with enough time to at least run up to one tea shop (it’s a 25 mins walk ish), would then have to get dinner and do some work… then tuesday, get up, check out, work all day and fly home… not a fun time but i’m hoping i can get out monday for just an hour or so.


Ha ha, I would totally walk 25 min to get tea, but if I was out of milk – no way. That would have to wait. Priorities.


oh i don’t mind the walk…even an hour would be fine..and i COULD technically figure out the red line to get there but walking = checking out some of the places on the way.

Adagio and Tea Gschwender are both there…and if i walk back to the hotel, there’s always the magnificent mile or Macy’s near the hotel if i REALLY want to shop.


…though i hate shopping for things other than tea lol


Oh, but the FOODS. And the COCKTAILS.

Okay, which tea stores? Which.


Where will you be in Chicago/what tea store? (Lived there for 5 years!)


I love that everyone posted exactly at the same time. Sil, you said the magic words, ‘tea shopping’ and ’Chicago’. Who doesn’t get excited about that?


haha I’m staying at the W Downtown, but I was going to walk up the mile (and then head in a bit) to maybe try hitting adagio and tea gschwender since they’re sort of close to one another.

Unless you have some other secret places i should go to Dinosara…I pretty much just hit goggle tonight as i haven’t had any time otherwise. Plus, there’s a chance i’ll be back another 3-10 times this year so what i don’t hit now, i can hit later. The office is near that hotel so i’ll always be staying in that area…ish


I don’t have too many specific suggestions for you because I wasn’t really tea obsessed when I lived there. You should find an Argo, though, there are a few throughout the city.


Argo have exploded! Last time I was there, there was one, now there are like 8, or something.

Terri HarpLady

I go to chicago once a year to visit the harp factory. I almost never do anything else there. There was a tea shop there for awhile, but they closed before I got a chance to check them out.


argo is next door to work i think :)


I will admit I don’t like their stuff, but I like the free wi-fi, the decor (in the cosy ones)/the people-watching (the less cosy, but more lively ones) and their mugs. Especially the old ones with all the dots. I might possibly have a few at home.

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What, WHAT. You’re going to CHICAGO?!


Snap to it, Sil. Better make some room for your obvious Chicago tea haul! Chug, chug, chug.


yeah i leave Sunday night, but get in too late to actually explore tea places… work all day monday – hoping i can get out of work with enough time to at least run up to one tea shop (it’s a 25 mins walk ish), would then have to get dinner and do some work… then tuesday, get up, check out, work all day and fly home… not a fun time but i’m hoping i can get out monday for just an hour or so.


Ha ha, I would totally walk 25 min to get tea, but if I was out of milk – no way. That would have to wait. Priorities.


oh i don’t mind the walk…even an hour would be fine..and i COULD technically figure out the red line to get there but walking = checking out some of the places on the way.

Adagio and Tea Gschwender are both there…and if i walk back to the hotel, there’s always the magnificent mile or Macy’s near the hotel if i REALLY want to shop.


…though i hate shopping for things other than tea lol


Oh, but the FOODS. And the COCKTAILS.

Okay, which tea stores? Which.


Where will you be in Chicago/what tea store? (Lived there for 5 years!)


I love that everyone posted exactly at the same time. Sil, you said the magic words, ‘tea shopping’ and ’Chicago’. Who doesn’t get excited about that?


haha I’m staying at the W Downtown, but I was going to walk up the mile (and then head in a bit) to maybe try hitting adagio and tea gschwender since they’re sort of close to one another.

Unless you have some other secret places i should go to Dinosara…I pretty much just hit goggle tonight as i haven’t had any time otherwise. Plus, there’s a chance i’ll be back another 3-10 times this year so what i don’t hit now, i can hit later. The office is near that hotel so i’ll always be staying in that area…ish


I don’t have too many specific suggestions for you because I wasn’t really tea obsessed when I lived there. You should find an Argo, though, there are a few throughout the city.


Argo have exploded! Last time I was there, there was one, now there are like 8, or something.

Terri HarpLady

I go to chicago once a year to visit the harp factory. I almost never do anything else there. There was a tea shop there for awhile, but they closed before I got a chance to check them out.


argo is next door to work i think :)


I will admit I don’t like their stuff, but I like the free wi-fi, the decor (in the cosy ones)/the people-watching (the less cosy, but more lively ones) and their mugs. Especially the old ones with all the dots. I might possibly have a few at home.

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So no real clue what to write about myself here. A friend got me into drinking loose tea and it’s something I thoroughly enjoy though I have nowhere near the experience that many folks on the boards seem to have.

My other interests are cycling, reading, board games, disney cruises, world of warcraft and dancing – in no particular order. I love travelling as well!

Most of that is on hold these days though, including tea drinking like I used to as I have a new little one who eats up all my spare time.


Toronto, ON

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