289 Tasting Notes


Sipdown! I’m going to miss this one. Looking forward to the new harvests this spring!

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I have no idea what ginseng is supposed to taste like, but I really like this tea! It’s sweet, vegetal, roasty, seaweed-y. This is a nice change up from what I’ve been drinking lately! I can’t decide if this tea is more vegetal or roasty; because of the sweetness I’m leaning towards vegetal. However, most of the green Oolongs I’ve tried were also quite floral. This is not the same- the sweetness could be a floral taste I suppose. Oh, who knows. This is what happens when I try to describe a new oolong, ESP Oolongs! I just confuse myself!
Sum up, this is nummy. Thank you TEAVIVRE for this delicious sample!

I used a heaping teaspoon worth for my 12 oz cup.

195 °F / 90 °C 2 min, 0 sec

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drank Keemun Panda by Pekko Teas
289 tasting notes

We have been so busy moving for the past month that I haven’t put up any new tasting notes. That does not mean however, that I have not been drinking tea! :) I had some of this today and it was a great choice for my mood. Bold and warming and smoky.
I again don’t have time for a long tasting note but I felt I should make an appearance! Lol!

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Finishing up my last bit of this. Didn’t realize I hadn’t logged this before! I enjoy the flavor profile of this tea. It tastes like toasted grain with a hint of potato. It has a nice warming quality and is one of those teas that I would describe as tasting ‘happy’. Perhaps this is the sunny quality Verdant refers to? As it cools it slowly becomes sweeter. It is an appropriate tea for the below zero windchills here today!

205 °F / 96 °C 1 min, 0 sec

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drank Silver Jade by The Tea Merchant
289 tasting notes

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I couldn’t resist the chance to try this tea and ordered a sample. The dry leaves smell deeply green, with that peculiar ‘Dragonwell’ aroma. I’ve only ever had one other Dragonwell, and I was interested to see if they had the same aroma. They share characteristics, but this tea is definitely has more depth. It’s also probable that it’s fresher.
I’m trying to brew this the recommended Dragonwell way with a glass tumbler. To keep from eating leaves I’ve resorted to using a large spoon to hold the leaves back as I sip. I’m still managing to sip in a few but so far this working much better than without. And this tea is WONDERFUL. It blows the other Dragonwell I’d had out of the water.
I finally strained the tea into another cup, leaving leaves in a little water in the tumbler. It was taking me so long to sip through the leaves that the tea was getting a bit bitter. Once I added more water and strained it though, the sweetness came out more. I’m using filtered water but I think next time I may make sure I have spring water on hand, and see how much of a difference it makes. I also want to try this western style, without as much leaf.
This tea is really good!

175 °F / 79 °C

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First, thank you Zen Tea for providing generous samples!
I’ve had a couple sessions with this tea now. The first time I followed their instructions of 1 tsp per cup, and I felt it was lacking something. Not bad, but the flavor just kept almost tasting sweet and almost tasting bakey, etc. So I doubled the tea leaves and tried again. This was similar to the first steeping by ‘almost’ tasting like I was hoping it would.
Don’t get me wrong, though. I enjoyed drinking all 6 cups I had, and will enjoy finishing off my sample. This tea’s roasted-ness is delicious, and is very easy to drink. I just wish it had a tish more complexity. As I have more of this sample, maybe I will get my steeping parameters perfected and get the taste I’m looking for. If I do, I will update!

205 °F / 96 °C 2 min, 0 sec

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Drinking a fabulous cup of this before I go off to the pediatrician. My kid is pretty sick today. :( 101.4 degree fever, has only woken up to cry and drink some milk and went right back to sleep. She actually asked me ( in cry-speak) to go back to bed!!
This tea is just. So. Good. I can’t get over Laoshan black. It makes me so happy, and its blended so perfectly with the rose petals and bergamot. I have an unopened packet of Earl of Anxi that I’m anxious to try as well..maybe after the doctor visit! :-P

205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 0 sec

Hope your kid gets better soon!

Invader Zim

Aww, hope she gets better soon!


Thanks for the well wishes! Her fever is up to 104. Just waiting for the test results to see if she has strep.


No strep! :D


Let us know how she’s doing!


She’s been sleeping most of the day. Still has a fever but seems to feeling a little better. Ate a little. Always a good sign! :)

Invader Zim

That’s always a relief to know it’s not step. Glad to hear she’s eaten a little and getting plenty of rest. I hope she gets better soon.

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Not feeling very sparkly today. Hence I thought I would try out this tea.
Plain, I don’t like it much. Adding some honey really helps this one. I think it may be the sage I don’t like. I do like the ginger in this blend though. Not at all overpowering…here’s hoping this tea works its’ herbal miraculous powers!
I used 2 tsp per 8 oz.

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec
Invader Zim

I have found that honey makes this blend wonderful.

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I love tea. I first tasted loose leaf when my grandpa brought some back from Russia and I remember just savoring it. Not sure what kind it was; all I remember is that it was loose leaf and it was good. =)

I really enjoy oolong, jasmine tea, and white tea. I especially love those black teas with chocolate notes! Also, chai is a constant favorite. I enjoy green tea, but need to be in the mood for it to actually want it.

As far as tisanes go, I enjoy chamomile and occasionally a mint. I am interested to try rooibus and honey bush. I do prefer teas without artificial flavoring but I’m willing to try most things.

I know next to nothing about puerh, but I like what I have tried so far.

I am consistently amazed at the flavors contained in one leaf. I am on a quest to discover all of them! Slowly, though. Good tea is expensive. :P

Other things I enjoy: Books. My family. Truth. Campfires. Animal Rescue. Gardening. Sushi. Mountain biking. Documentaries. Trees. Music. Culture. Sour cream raisin pie. Not necessarily in that order. :P


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