Alright, a real sipdown for the day – 177/397.
This one found me through the EU TTB and Anna forever ago, and I’ve been putting off drinking it because it just terrifies me. I’m biased against grapefruit at the best of times because of the bitterness, and green tea because of the astringency I usually associate with it, so combined… don’t ask me why I picked it out of the box, I really have no idea (it was just a small sample, though). The fact that Lupicia recommend brewing this in boiling water made me super wary, but I also had a small sample of Happiness, another green tea which Lupicia recommend at boiling point, at ignored their instructions and got nowhere with the tea. So this time, instead of my usual parameters for green tea, I compromised and went with 90C. I honestly don’t know how long it was steeping because I forgot to set my timer, but I’m guessing around 3 minutes, so a little longer than recommended. I held my breath, took a sip and… surprisingly tasty! I don’t know why I was so worried. The green tea has held up well against the hotter temperature, and the grapefruit is bright and citrusy without being too bitter to enjoy. It has a slight sting and a bitterness to the end of the sip, but very manageable and it adds to the overall ‘grapefruit’ effect nicely. Surprisingly I enjoy this one much more than Happiness, which adds peach to the grapefruit and green tea, a flavour I typically love. It’s not something I would actively seek out, but I am impressed and happy I picked it out to try. I would definitely drink it again – I can see myself starting my day with a cup of this tea, a bowl of natural yoghurt and some toast while sitting on the veranda of a fancy apartment in a foreign city, stealing a moment of peace and quiet with a good book while my boyfriend walks our (imaginary) dog. Yes, I am very glad to have tried this one!