drank Assam by Joseph Wesley Black Tea
489 tasting notes

From the Samurai TTB
This Assam is surprisingly woodsy, not particularly malty or astringent. It’s not really smoky either, or bitter. I’m having a hard time describing as it’s not very assam tasting to me. The second steep is very smooth, a bit coppery, with a sweet finish. Not sure if it’s the leaf per water ratio, but I’m underwhelmed by this tea. Not a bad cup, but not great either.

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I started drinking more tea about 10 years ago when I found that even my half -caf coffee was making me jittery and then sleepy after the caffeine wore off. While I started out with mostly Teavana, but soon expanded my tea cupboard to include lapsang souchon, pu-erh, Assam, and other strong black teas. I do enjoy oolongs, green, and other teas, as well as a nice tisane for an evening cuppa.
I’m not fond of jasmine or bergamont teas, though I’ll try anything once.
I am an avid traveler, hiker, soccer player/watcher.
I love trying new tea in new places, if you see something in my cupboard you want to try, hit me up for a swap!


Powell, WY

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