Day Two of testing teas from Love Chai, and I decided to make another cuppa this. Today, I’m enjoying it more, but it’s still not my favorite chai.
Some things I noticed today that I completely missed yesterday:
- it’s made with the Queen of Assam tea from Love Chai, which I LOVE (just tried that on its own);
- the cinnamon is so present because there are huge chunks of cinnamon bark in it (straight cinnamon bark, too, which was odd yet lovely)
- everything in this tea is BIG. Meaning, no small, dry, brittle pieces of anything. It all seemed luscious, fresh, high-quality.
- It smells amazing as it steeps, and it’s really pretty to watch as the huge tea leaves unfurl.
Still, having said all that, it’s not my favorite. I’m not sure if it’s the big spice pieces. I find I enjoy the flavor of a chai more when the spices get muddled somehow, ie the oils of the spices get into the tea leaves prior to steeping.
Again, might just be a personal preference for flavor, although I did really like the big chunks of everything.
I wanted to love this – and I do LOVE LOVE LOVE the base tea – but it’s just not signing for me.
Package suggested 3g of tea per 200mL of water, no temperature suggestion other than “hot water”, andsteep for 3-5 minutes. I used a DAVIDs Tea “perfect teaspoon” (2.5 tsp at the time I bought it) in 16 oz of water, heated to 200F, steeped for 4 minutes.
[Note: I was gifted this tea in exchange for an honest review].
Flavors: Cardamom, Chocolate, Cinnamon, Fennel, Sweet, Thick