First, a caveat: I oversteeped this. I forgot I as I was putting my youngest to bed that I had boiled the water and gotten a small cup ready to drink. Recommended steep time is 2-4 minutes; I steeped for close to six. Argh!
And so, I’m going to give it a bit of leeway here, because I think I did the tea wrong, in a way. It does smell very key lime-ish out of the bag, and more so after steeping. My first sips were a bit astringent, so I added Truvia. Holy moly! A sweet, tart, key lime tea here, with a hint of the base peeking through. I can definitely tell there’s pineapple in here as well, although I think it was supposed to take a bit less of a front seat in this blend, it’s likely due to my oversteeping. And then the creaminess, which is more in flavor than feel… usually I like teas with the yogurt stuff in them (bits?) and this is no exception.
I’ll have to brew more another day to really try this out, because I am getting something floral and off-putting at the end of the sip, underneath the lime/pineapple sweet and sour.