114 Tasting Notes
Sipdown! Finished the herb blend that my friend made from his garden, with the “Rose tea” May prompt in mind. So glad the rose only appears in petal form, and doesn’t carry pretty much any flavor into the brew itself. Cannot stand rose in tea, perfumes, or the like. For me, I enjoy roses only in a garden. Farewell tea blend!
Suprised that I haven’t written a note for this one yet! Was compelled to get this one from all the reviews comparing the various lapsangs on the W2T site. This tea isn’t a bbq feast like most standard LS, but it has a lovely spice to it. The spice element is light, like a nutmeg or allspice, not so heady and intense as a cinnamon. The black tea gives itself a warm baked date quality that makes the sweet spice a perfect match. The brew is bright and clear, leaving any heaviness I may associate with a LS behind. It’s very easy to drink :)
Flavors: Dates, Nutmeg, Stonefruit
Happy 101st tasting note to me!
IT’S FINALLY TIME! I’ve finished all the opened samples of my Japanese greens, so i can treat myself to a new spring 2023 tea! WOOOO. This fukamushi is remarkable – it was chewy and intense for the first three shakes of my kyusu, and kept it’s savory twang until steep 5. The wet leaf was very interesting as well, reminded me of my favorite shrimp chips. I know, sounds gross, but it propelled me to make another round as soon as the first leaves were spent. yayyy tea!
Flavors: Egg, Freshly Cut Grass, Salad Greens, Seafood, Seaweed, Viscous
For the “A tea available almost anywhere” prompt for this month!
The sick tea to end all sick teas. I drank this with my partner after their latest DJ gig (think vinyl records, not oontz oontz haha). My throat is not used to shouting in bars anymore, and when we return home, lead in our limbs and bags under our eyes, this tea helped us get some relief from shouting at our friends. Naturally, I wouldn’t drink this tea for fun… it’s not really supposed to taste good, it’s just supposed to fill a function. At least to me!
Flavors: Lemon, Licorice
severely overleafed this one today, just for giggles. and science. Science giggles.
the buttery green bean note was all there, competing with an astringency I never got when i stuck to my usual 5g. played around with flash steeps, found that I was able to give this tea more legs that way. Really just entertaining myself to distract from the new tea screaming at me from my tea stash hehe. The struggle is real
Drank this tea with the monthly prompt of “A limited edition or seasonal tea” in mind. Come to think of it, just about all of my teas I could consider to be limited edition or seasonal, simply because I buy most of my tea seasonally and the rest aren’t available to be purchased anywhere anymore lol. Chose this one because I sort of felt bad for this tea, it had been chilling unloved in the tea cupboard at work for so so long, languishing in it’s special edition tin since the beginning of time.
I am getting some ghostly white tea notes, but its mostly a faint cardamom spice lingering in the taste. not much else here in this poor forgotten tea.
Doesn’t feel fair to rate this tea, after all it’s been though >w<