This tea is from my Poland trip made in the end of 2021 and start of 2022. I bought it in “Pod Lampionami” tearoom in Poznan (search for pictures, it is super cute and cozy). Translated name means “From Persian Market”
However, this tea seems not being from them directly. I have found (and downloaded pic from) — seems they have more teas from them in Poznan tearoom. I have added it under “Pod Lampionami”, because bought there, however not sure if it’s correct at all.
I bought it on blind buy… I just saw the glass container and it was looking nice, but no ingredients were listed. So, that said, I am not even sure about ingredients. But if they really used Persian tea base, I think it’s amazing.
let’s try the tea. First of all, I notice mostly mint. They say it is nana mint and I didn’t had that much, but seems to be indeed that, but my limited experience notices only mint.
Based on taste, it indeed contains stevia. Sadly, it is indeed very sweet. The mint is refreshing. But the base tea is muted from the stevia. Argh! Why to kill so great, Iranian, tea with sh*tload of stevia?
I am so disappointed. I will save a little, but the rest will go to the TTB for sure.
On the other news: my mother was tested positive for Covid. We made a little improvised quarantine at home, but it is only improvised :(
Flavors: Mint, Stevia, Sweet
Oh dear, I hope your mom and your whole household stays safe and well.
Ftr, nana in Arabic means mint. Farsi has adopted some words from Arabic. Perhaps this is one of them. As far as I know, nana does not specify any particular type of mint, just mint.
Oh, in both Morocco and Egypt, I remember nana referred to fresh spearmint. Whether that was specifying kind or that is the regional garden variety available, that I don’t know.
Speedy recovery to her I hope. Expect the first week to be rough. I am finally getting over my case of it.
Thank you all! She is doing well, the symptoms are gone and she is just tired often. I am in quarantine till Sunday and I was supposed to be in since Wednesday, but no-one (from Public health offices) wrote me before.
I read the SMS today at work (where I have been tested yesterday — negative) that I am supposed to be in quarantine. Well, dang. Welcome to the Czech Republic
ashmanra we are happy as well. And we get used to it pretty well I think. It’s not fun, but it is not that bad at all.
Praying for your mom ever since I saw your email! Looking likely my son has it for the second time.
Hope you are spared from the Covid and that your mother recovers soon.
Wishing your mom a speedy and easy recovery.
Oh dear, I hope your mom and your whole household stays safe and well.
Ftr, nana in Arabic means mint. Farsi has adopted some words from Arabic. Perhaps this is one of them. As far as I know, nana does not specify any particular type of mint, just mint.
Oh, in both Morocco and Egypt, I remember nana referred to fresh spearmint. Whether that was specifying kind or that is the regional garden variety available, that I don’t know.
Speedy recovery to her I hope. Expect the first week to be rough. I am finally getting over my case of it.
I hope that your mom has a fast and safe recovery and that you and your family are okay.
Thank you all! She is doing well, the symptoms are gone and she is just tired often. I am in quarantine till Sunday and I was supposed to be in since Wednesday, but no-one (from Public health offices) wrote me before.
I read the SMS today at work (where I have been tested yesterday — negative) that I am supposed to be in quarantine. Well, dang. Welcome to the Czech Republic
Glad she is feeling better! And my son’s test came back negative so that’s a relief.
Yay! Better late than never. Good opportunity to drink more tea. :)
Haha, indeed Evol Ving Ness. It’s time to have cup of tea next to me all the time.
ashmanra we are happy as well. And we get used to it pretty well I think. It’s not fun, but it is not that bad at all.
I’m happy your mom got through covid okay!