Homemade Advent Day 11
from AJRimmer
I got really excited when I saw that it was a kukicha base because I love kukicha and haven’t had any in way too long. After reading reviews I opted for a shorter steeping time than I would usually do for a green tea.
This one is definitely citrusy and I get the lemon orange and grapefruit. At times it seems a bit too heavy perhaps on the citrus for the kukicha base but other sips are just so tasty. It’s a smooth and sweet green tea with lots of flavor and packs a punch. I was able to get at least 1-2 good re-steeps as well which was really nice.
Flavors: Citrus, Green, Lemon, Orange, Smooth, Sweet
I don’t think I’ve ever seen (or paid attention, anyway) a tea with a kukicha base—which I really like!
Clarification: flavored tea with a kukicha base.
I think this is my first flavored kukicha tea as well!