Well I was about to type and say my plan for the day but as I was about to begin I received a text message from my husband to say his uncle has passed away. I only met him once as he lives quite far away but he was a nice man, welcoming of me into his family and it’s truly tragic news. He looks like the double of my father in law, it shocked me the first time I met him. Like twins, I will always remember that.
So getting onto what I actually was going to say and start with before being given such sad news. Today I am cross stitching up a storm to try and get somewhere on my Heaven and Earth Designs chart. It’s a massive piece and will take a long time to finish but I adore the design and plan on persevering through. It’s a free chart on their website called Ice Princess by Hannah Lynn, so if you’re into cross stitch/sewing then take a look.
To aid my busy sewing day I have a large pot of this delicious Bi Luo Chun that I plan on re-steeping a few times. Usually I would glass tumbler this tea but today I grabbed my personaliTEA teapot from Adagio and decided to brew it that way. Much thicker than the glass tumbler way but just as tasty, gives me a real burst of energy which keeps me sewing.
Then to top it off I am watching horror films throughout the day. Started with Carrie 2 and now moved onto Stake Land. I adore horror films more than I do tea and that is truly saying something. It’s a trait I picked up from my parents and we often enjoy watching horror films together. The more gore the better.
And that is my day and tea of the day, I hope you all drink some wonderful tea today!
Sorry to hear about your family’s loss. How is the tea? I love green Bi Luo Chun, but wonder if I’d like the white variety. I tend to find white teas underwhelming.
Thank you. Honestly I am not a fan of white tea usually, my tea has to be strong and packed with flavour. With Bi Luo Chun if I had my way I would have picked the green over the white but this was part of a YS club package and when I read it was white I thought I can at least try it. Glad I did because it tastes as strong as a green Bi Luo Chun but without the grassy tones. Still got that strong, astringent, sweet, floral vibe going on but a bit fresher than the green variety. I truly recommend this one.
Sorry to hear of your loss, Kitty. It’s good to see you back on Steepster.
I’m also working on a Heaven and Earth Designs pattern at the moment – Romeo and Juliet by Sara Butcher. They do the most amazing cross stitch designs, don’t they? The official Bulletin Board is worth a visit if you’ve not already seen it – lots of helpful advice, encouragement and support, and fabulous WIP pictures too.
Thank you @TeaBrat and @Scheherazade
They do have some amazing designs, I have over 100 on my wishlist already lol. I’m a member of the Bulletin Board :D My name on there is KittyLovesTea so you may spot me, not done much but posted an introduction and I joined in the ‘Discontinued HAED artists/chart SAL (5th Weekend) + New Starts’ last Friday. The official Facebook group is good also, lots of friendly people. :) Hoping to post a picture of my wip when I have something to really show, for now it’s a few hundred stitches of sky.
I’m SunnySkies on the BB; I think Scheherazade was already taken when I got there! I like that they’re so intricate, but they take a while to build up for that exact reason. There have been times when I’ve not picked my design up for ages, but I always seem to come back to it in the end. Now I feel I can see something of it, I’m hoping I’ll be able to sustain the motivation to finish it! It’s too pretty to sit neglected :)
I will keep my eyes open for you on the BB :) The amount of colours, shading and detail on these charts is amazing. Finished designs look like posters or paintings. I feel intimidated but I’m not one to give up and as long as I have the time to stitch then I am quite happy doing what I can when I can. Even though at the moment stitching 20 or so colours of sky is a little frustrating with the confetti, it will be worth it in the end.
i think you read my review :) its an ok tea but im not much for it anymore :( that goes for all bi luo chuns
Sorry to hear about your family’s loss. How is the tea? I love green Bi Luo Chun, but wonder if I’d like the white variety. I tend to find white teas underwhelming.
Thank you. Honestly I am not a fan of white tea usually, my tea has to be strong and packed with flavour. With Bi Luo Chun if I had my way I would have picked the green over the white but this was part of a YS club package and when I read it was white I thought I can at least try it. Glad I did because it tastes as strong as a green Bi Luo Chun but without the grassy tones. Still got that strong, astringent, sweet, floral vibe going on but a bit fresher than the green variety. I truly recommend this one.
Sorry to hear of your loss, Kitty. It’s good to see you back on Steepster.
I’m also working on a Heaven and Earth Designs pattern at the moment – Romeo and Juliet by Sara Butcher. They do the most amazing cross stitch designs, don’t they? The official Bulletin Board is worth a visit if you’ve not already seen it – lots of helpful advice, encouragement and support, and fabulous WIP pictures too.
Sorry, best wishes to you and your family!
Thank you @TeaBrat and @Scheherazade
They do have some amazing designs, I have over 100 on my wishlist already lol. I’m a member of the Bulletin Board :D My name on there is KittyLovesTea so you may spot me, not done much but posted an introduction and I joined in the ‘Discontinued HAED artists/chart SAL (5th Weekend) + New Starts’ last Friday. The official Facebook group is good also, lots of friendly people. :) Hoping to post a picture of my wip when I have something to really show, for now it’s a few hundred stitches of sky.
I’m SunnySkies on the BB; I think Scheherazade was already taken when I got there! I like that they’re so intricate, but they take a while to build up for that exact reason. There have been times when I’ve not picked my design up for ages, but I always seem to come back to it in the end. Now I feel I can see something of it, I’m hoping I’ll be able to sustain the motivation to finish it! It’s too pretty to sit neglected :)
I will keep my eyes open for you on the BB :) The amount of colours, shading and detail on these charts is amazing. Finished designs look like posters or paintings. I feel intimidated but I’m not one to give up and as long as I have the time to stitch then I am quite happy doing what I can when I can. Even though at the moment stitching 20 or so colours of sky is a little frustrating with the confetti, it will be worth it in the end.
The confetti is a killer, but it’s completely worth it when it’s done! Glad you’re enjoying it :)
i think you read my review :) its an ok tea but im not much for it anymore :( that goes for all bi luo chuns
Kitty tell him prayers for comfort. I know the loss, I haven’t spoke much of it but it has got me off track in my life. it is a hard loss for him I am sure you can make him see the better part of it.