I bought a whopping 125g of this to re-stock my cupboards, it was a tragedy to run out of Long Jing. This was a risk buy from AliExpress, I bought a teapot set from the same seller so thought it may as well come with some tea too.
This is my new tea set, which also how I will be drinking this Long Jing tonight.
The leaves are dark and medium green with a sweet yet dry floral scent and hints of butter. There are some stems and broken leaves present, not quite the quality I was expecting, at least so far.
In flavour this is mild in strength with butter, sweet grass and mixed flowers. It’s clean tasting despite it’s rough look, though it’s mildness is surprising. Also it’s dryness is not too bad. Further steeps become sweeter and it lingers in the mouth. Light mineral taste too, maybe fresh spinach.
It tasted better than I thought though next time I will try a stronger steep. I tend to like my Long Jing strong, though I’m happy I can drink it mildly if necessary. Will just have to experiment.
Flavors: Butter, Flowers, Spinach, Sweet, Warm Grass
sounds yummy