Thank you QueenOfTarts for this tea.
In raw form is has a nice fiery ginger scent which for the time being masks over the pumpkin. However there is also a very thick Honeybush scent which I find to be unique in terms of what it actually smells like. Sort of…chicory meets Rooibos and root beer.
In flavour the pumpkin has increased in comparison to it’s missing performance in the scent. The ginger is behind the pumpkin in strength and leaves a gentle burn in the after taste. The Honeybush is very strong in flavour too so I can see this being a hit and miss blend.
I’m having trouble deciding what I make of it…the pumpkin is nice and the ginger is good and I like Honeybush but do they all belong together?
My questioning made me add a spoon of sugar to see if it smooths out the balance in the blend. Well it is better now for the most part. The sugar has brightened the pumpkin and lightened it so it’s not as dominant. As for the ginger it is still noticeable but not half the strength that it was, it no longer has that burn but now a mere warmth. As for the cheesecake I suppose with the sugar you could say it has that sort of sour and smooth cheesecake filling flavour but at the same time I feel I may be reaching. Also the cinnamon is stronger now.
Overall I prefer it with sugar but am still not sure what to think about it on the whole. Perhaps over time I will make my mind up. For now I at least like it and will score it as such but will make sure to adjust it appropriately.