673 Tasting Notes
an awesome tea!
nice and smooth with plum, honey and spices.
sorry my dear followers i forgot to smell the leaves before the steeping and my mom’s bf threw out the leaves so i cannot do a full review :(
many thanks for this sample Daniel Lui
Flavors: Honey, Plum, Smooth, Spices
a decent tea :)
when i smell the leaves dry, they smell nice and green.
when i smell the leaves wet, the smell is intensified.
when i smell the brewed tea, it smells nice and green.
when i taste the brewed tea, it tastes green and strong honey.
i rate this a 90 because it tastes funny to me :D
many thanks to Daniel Lui and his vancouver, BC tea shop for selling me this decent tea.
Flavors: Green, Honey
an awesome tea!
when i smell the leaves dry, they smell nice and musty.
when i smell the leaves wet, they smell like strong spices
when i smell the brewed tea, i smell strong spices with some honey.
when i taste the brewed tea, i taste strong spices and mild honey tastes.
i rate this a 100 because its not as strong as Daniel said it was, but it’s still nice tasting.
many thanks to Daniel Lui and his Vancouver, BC Chinese tea shop for selling me this awesome tea. :D
Flavors: Honey, Musty, Spices
an awesome tea!
when i smell the leaves dry, they smell green and musty.
when i smell the leaves wet, they smell green and sweet.
when i smell the brewed tea, i smell spices honey and smokeyness.
when i taste the brewed tea, i taste honey and spices.
i rate this tea a 100 because it has all the characteristics that i like.
many thanks to Daniel Lui and his Vancouver, BC tea shop “The Chinese tea shop” for selling me this amazing tea!
Flavors: Green, Honey, Musty, Smoke, Spices, Sweet
a great tea!
I noticed a taste I have never tasted in sheng before, SUGAR! (no actual sugar added). maybe its because this tea is from 2007? I wouldn’t know
little glass pitcher method, grandpa style:
when I smell the leaves dry, they smell green and musty.
when I smell the leaves wet, they smell green and floral.
when I smell the brewed tea, I smell sweetness, green and floral.
when I taste the brewed tea, I taste sweetness, sugar, green and floral.
I rate this a 95 because I don’t taste any honey or spices.
many thanks to Daniel and his Vancouver Chinatown tea shop for this amazing tea
Flavors: Floral, Green, Musty, Sugar, Sweet
a decent tea
when i smell the leaves dry, they have a dark chocolate smell.
when i smell the leaves wet, they have a dark chocolate smell as well as a roasted/toasty smell
when i smell the brewed tea, i smell a dark chocolate smell as well as roasted/toasty smell.
when i taste the brewed tea, i taste dark chocolate as well as a roasted/toasty taste. also i taste grapes, but its so minor its hard to tell if it is me or the tea.
now, the dominant taste is the dark chocolate. also i was told by Amanda ‘SoggyEnderman’ Wilson that this tea is a lot like “Shui Hsien” from Sea dyke brand. if i were to say which is better Shui Hsien or this tea, the former wins hands down.
i rate this tea a 75, as i was kind of disappointed.
Flavors: Dark Chocolate, Roasted, Toasty
an amazing tea!
although I’ve had this tea before, i have noticed a taste/aroma that i have not noticed before. CHOCOLATE! this is due to a lack of understanding on what chocolate tastes like in tea. i let it steep strong!
when i smell the leaves dry, they smell nice and chocolaty.
when i smell the leaves wet, they smell nice, chocolaty and roasted/toasty.
when i smell the brewed tea, i notice a chocolate and roasted/toasty smell
when i taste the brewed tea, my love is re-kindled! chocolate and roasted/toasty!
i rate this tea a 100 because i remember this is one of the first oolongs I’ve ever tried and i love it!
Flavors: Chocolate, Roasted, Toasty
I always get muddled up with chocolate notes! Even worse when I can’t decide if its cacao or chocolate! (if you haven’t tried it you really should!)