390 Tasting Notes
huh, thanks MissB for revealing the maybe answer to the riddle!
i’ve always been a riddle boy, lol. nina’s for red fruit teas. dammann freres for fruits of all kinds. mariage freres for snapshots of impressionists’s dreams…… fauchon for flavoured greens?
a light sweet raspberry rose tea. unique. beautiful. maybe the answer is this: i like my fauchon green. don’t think i would have guessed that, lol.
thank you MissB. (always lookin’ out for me) xo
this is a beautiful piece. if i could drink it and frame it i would.
wrote my last exam. blanked for the second half of it. the prof is fascinated by my final project…. column A column B situation? sigh. either 3 weeks of break…. some sedate keener studying and this tea was day 1 of ’it’s done’.
this is a different spin on french tea! fauchon and i called a truce today and i wound up with the tea manifesting as i believe it should. entirely ENTIRELY different from dammann freres, mariage freres and nina’s paris……
a bittersweet marzipan cake. an element of green to it. more nuanced than the others, as opposed to robust. it has a disconcerting thin element to it. now i know that tea isn’t supposed to be thick, and yet somehow i have lots of french teas that somehow carry weight?
just a different evolution in my tea repertoire…. a new volume to add, and a very gracious one at that.
thank you MissB for this celebratory cup. i’m going to keep playing until i’m sort out my steeping parameters =0)
very graceful, very smooth, very new!
I found this one needed a bit less heat and 4-5 minutes to get it feeling “right”. I so wish this was a better, more celebratory cup for you right off the bat.
fauchon and i have had an uneasy romance from the get go, lol, why would today be any different? and it is quite a different entity than any other bland i’ve ever had…. =0)
you know…. it could also be me…. i’m so tired i can’t even see. so tonight i get to enjoy tea, but ascribe no numbers. sooooo tired. WOW!
Thank you so much to VariaTEA for this awesome sample.
i love this tea….. it reminds me exactly of the strawberry lemonade you can get at red robins =0). and VariaTEA totally spoiled me and sent me a ton of it! thank you so much!
i will be sipping this tonight in order to sleep early for my shifted exam (it was supposed to be tonight) tomorrow morning. very weird though…. she sent it to me because i love it so much, which i do, and yet my review is gone? hmph.
one more exam and i can study tea for 3 weeks…. and work repainting my noise cancelling headphones from hot pink to something (anything) but hot pink. i have nothing against pink…. i’m just not one of the guys that wears it, especially not with screaming red hair.
thank you VariaTEA!!!
dear MissB, thank you very much for sharing.
i wish i could taste it.
my tongue ignored it because it had the word ‘toffee’…. but i really did try. =0(
i thought i caught a whiff of banana maybe though?
stupid tongue.
Dammit. Share all toffee teas with someone else. You have more tea on the way as of this afternoon (two business days!), and there is zero toffee anything in that package. I think.
ARGH!!!!! you’ve given and or led me to loads of teas that i love!!!!! i have a genetic aversion to toffee is all…. i’m a walking glitch, lol.
let’s check the roster: bolero, all sorts of matcha, all sorts of fauchon, all things TGteas, lol!!!!
and tht’s just the tea, and not the friend…. xoxo
oh yes, she who laughs last stands to inherit…. i am done wasting it sil. it’s all coming your way. yup!
WOW! a BIG thank you to Sil for this sample!!!
i have had two contributors to my matcha experiences….. MissB and Sil. MissB’s were also red leaf, but i tried them hot. not sure why, but i decided to go the opposite way with Sil’s…. and a good call it was!
i’m not sure if it’s an acclimation to matcha, or a normal matcha newbie stage, but i really prefer it cold. this was awesomely smooth, a beautiful vanilla flavour…. not false, not cloying. i will absolutely buy this flavour from red leaf. THANK YOU SIL! as well thank you MissB….. for me matcha seems to be a process of elimination as to how i like it, lol.
maybe i’ll wind up heating it gradually? =0)
this was like a caffeine injected crazy decadent milkshake. it was great! btw….. i have toffee caramel gathering for you =0)
I love matcha in milkshakes…it’s why I went insane earlier. In ether year…soooo many flavours still to open…
my wife came home for lunch and just eyed my glass suspiciously, lol.
now that i know how i like it i can totally imagine myself going bananas with it, lol. however….. i am also plotting. the o dor. a little. maybe.
…is it sad that if we buy 6+ bags directly from. The o dor, it’s about the same price per bag as 3 from Jin…. Lol
thank you to MissB for this sample. this one was really interesting….
the dry leaf gives me a very straightforward ice wine grape scent. it changes once water is added it changes. a floral component chimes in…. one i can’t name…..not honey suckle, not hyacinth…. i’m prompted by H though, lol.
has a heavy presence, a syrup that gives a distinctly exotic weight. not sure it’s quite my thing, but a lovely thing to try.
on a side note: i DO believe that misfortune comes in threes, or i do now. so… the left eye a month ago, the left kidney 2 days ago, and a broken back left molar as of 30 minutes ago. huh. happy holidays? sigh.
it’s not strictly floral, and it’s just one guy’s appraisal. cold steep it…. try it that way to start?
Good grief… I bet you’re going to be happy to see the backside of 2013! I hope things get better (much, much better) soon.
Don’t give up James, if trinity is the rule here, then it should also apply to the GOOD stuff…I wish many rounds of good things will also come to you in threes :-)
I will. Having said that… I have an awful lot of things like Nina’s Paris, Dammann Freres, and Fauchon in the house right now. ;)
huge chunks instead of pulverized ingredients…. smells great. lots of chocolate. vanilla seed floating in my tea once steeped. what’s the name of this again? chocolate chai. okay…. where’s my chocolate? how can it be there when it’s dry and NOT be there when it’s steeped?? grrrr.
we are not amused. i need a ‘we are not amused’ button to hit. i will assume operator error and i will try again before i assign numbers, but if i had a big red button in front of me right now it would be hard not to hit it.
i know!! and there are other things i really do like about the blend… piles of vanilla seeds, a good balance of spice, i am picky about chai. this is a good one! but don’t tell me it’s a chocolate chai and then have imaginary chocolate, it will just make me cross… especially if i’m having a kidney deficient weekend! }=0[
Those insensitive jerks. What’s also annoying is when a tea smells awesome but then tastes not even close to hot it smells. If it smells like chocolate, then damnit, it should taste like it too.
it is not okay to make something as wonderful as a tea into a liar. anthropomorphize aaaaaaaaaaaaaaall you want, but keep your personal neuroses out of my teacup!
Lol, it’s ok, I gripe just by reading your emotional reaction…I now have bloody palms, my nails have deeply penetrated the skin, that’s how infuriated I am at the whole situation…I don’t think I could bare tasting the subject, would be just too much to handle…
OMG, they would freak out!!! but no worries, they don’t hang out around here much.
Joke aside, I never ordered from them, but I’ve read great notes about their teas, they seem to be above average quality…
definitely on quality! it’s a beautiful to look at. if it weren’t a ‘chocolate’ chai i’d give it rave reviews….. but don’t say ‘chocolate’ or whatever and then ‘oops i forgot’. it annoys.
i’ll try it again. as a chai a REGULAR chai it’s the best i’ve had. but that won’t go in THIS review because this is supposed to be a CHOCOLATE chai. i am tempted to call BS which is as far as i go in a respectful forum…. but i think you know what i mean!
thank you to sil for this gem…..
i didn’t get caramel and toffee out of it (i never do) but i got SOMETHING! it wasn’t just tea….
i got brown sugar, coffee? or something akin to. vanilla. an unnameable fruit tone…. very smooth.
thank you, sil! i’m a day behind, but it was a lovely celebration!
I am crazy maybe, but I always get a coconut-y vibe from Wedding Imperial. I like it nonetheless, though it is a tea which keeps me on my toes, must pay attention when brewing it!
now that you say it, yes, perhaps a roasted coconut? a very decadent treat to celebrate the ending of my scariest course!!!! tomorrow i will celebrate again =0)
justjames… i can take care of terri…we have an ongoing box that travels and maaaybe she’s getting some in the next round as my christmas treat to her and tastybrew heh
also..did you know that 13 teas from MF only comes to about 16$ per 100g CAD which is like the same price as bad tea from david’s tea as well lol
i did! it’s the shipping that (i’m going to go the polite route here…) ‘attaches one to another object by an inclined plane wrapped helically around an axis.’ =0)
i will keep you guys posted…it’s only a matter of time before i crumble one way or another… after all there’s still my stupid “real” bonus to come this year.. in addition to the “fake” bonus they already gave me lol
(Just sitting here smiling & enjoying the conversation, especially the part about people (mainly Sil) sending me tea, lol)
see this is where there difference between money and credit blurs for me. mmph, financial responsibility. credit rating. tea. risk. pro/con. dammit.
is it bad that when i’m in the modd to splurge on something like this..the 1300g of tea that i’d be getting doesn’t phase me only because it means that i can share? lol I’ve had bags of tea i bought, love but then only have like 2 cups out of because i get to excited to share the tea lol
Oh yeah, I spend like a blind fool when I’m buying tea. Sil, are you ordering directly from mf? isn’t shipping going to…impale you unpleasantly?
keychange – both MF and the o dor have shipping that sits at about 25 euros. If i get 10+ bags, because the teas aren’t terribly expensive in the grand scheme of things, it offsets the cost of the shipping without making the price per bag exorbitant. 13 teas brings the cost per 100g to about 16 CAD, which, as i mentioned is about the same price as a number of david’s teas – a company that i am not overly a fan of. heh
Sil, that is my plan for my next order. Buy sufficiently of the loose leaf teas so it offsets the shipping, so one just big order. Though next order will be no sooner than November (ok, october, but totally definetely!) 2014! For this winter I am shamefully well stocked
okay, now i read your 16$, but i didn’t realize your number included/justified/explained/finessed shipping sil, lol.
james..oh yes..i always look at total cost to get to my greedy little hands. my first order of DF teas arrived today and i AM SO DARN HAPPY OMG YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY! however i also received my verdant BF order AND teas from omgsrsly…so um i have some drinking to do before i can order lol
my it’s been a couple of days! brilliant because of classes winding down and very satisfying grades being locked in place…. but sad with the death of nelson mandela. i wonder if it would have hit me as profoundly before one of my majors had me studying people and the influence that we outwardly have on one another on one another in my human geography class….. there is no way for me to answer.
perhaps it is a lack of faith on my part, that as the old guard ages and passes (mandela, the dalai lama, mother theresa) that while there will always be good people, i don’t see any obvious stand ins for these outstanding individuals. brangelina? bono who got a TED award? i don’t think so……
SO i wrote that bit about 9 hours ago. stopped after the dot dot dots. dropped. wound up in an ambulance and at the hospital. KIDNEY STONES.
ARE YOU KIDDING ME? so, surgery on one eye coming up…. and a stone IN ONE KIDNEY???? they’re asking me about pain levels in the ambulance ‘out of 10 sir’. 10? make it 20 and it would still be 21!!!!! OMG.
the tea. okay…. this was more of a frustrated rant and less a review. i don’t remember the tea. but i have another sample from stephanie.
Whoa! I am so sorry. I hope you can find some comfort soon. Kidney Stones suck.
As for outstanding individuals the first person I thought of was
Ok… I can’t type. Anyway, I was going to say Malala. I know ahe’s young, but she’s also using her voice in a powerful way.
Seconding Malala. Very bright young girl, although I worry about the pressure that is currently resting on her tiny shoulders. and my dear James, rest up! I’m worried about you, and am sorry you were in so much pain!
Ow James! I’ve heard that’s horrible. Malala the first that came to my mind as well. Another person that comes to mind for me is the Bangledashi man who started the micro financing movement. I forget his name, but micro financing has changed many peoples lives in huge ways.
i just keep thinking ‘um…. final project? final exam? HELLO?? B.E.T.T.E.R. things to do!’ but i can’t even think because they gave me a really good drug. NOT an opiate (wouldn’t let em’….. by IV? nuh uh) but a really good anti inflammatory….. but it’s still making me fuzzy.
yes, grameen…. that’s true, yyz.
i know there are brilliant minds on TED… and i know there are good people every place i look. genuinely. but i find it disconcerting when the people that i have spent my life admiring start popping off.
I think I have had to deal with the knowledge of death since I was very young so it bothers me a little less. It’s still sad and the passing of great persons seem to in away acting as book marks or closures to great era’s, but my family tends to have children late and the men at least live long lives so this cycle seems a little expected and natural to me. My grandfather knew Dali, Hemingway, and Castro. Having said that Mandela was truly a great man.
ackackack, i am sorry to hear the bad news. i’ve had friends tell me kidney stones were the worst pain they’ve ever felt, like worse than childbirth or any other medical malady they’ve encountered. you are tough!
well, miss july, i am nursing my kidneys (i’ve been told to drink and drink and drink….. i’m thrilled about the tea part, less so about if things get blocked again part) back to health with your awesome fruits d’alsace sample. it makes me feel better.
i don’t feel tough. i feel distinctly whiney, lol. makes me wonder if it’s been brewing for a few days though because i’ve been in a rotten mood for a few days without explanation.
Oh, sweet goodness! I REALLY hope that this gets resolved soon and you recover quickly. Kidney stones are the opposite of fun. :/
i just wish i knew if there was anything i could do to make sure this one goes AWAY and that it’a a one time occurrence!
There are dietary things that you can avoid to reduce the chances, but I’m not sure about guaranteeing that you never get them again. :/ You kinda need your kidneys, so it’s not like you can take them out like you can a gall bladder! :) I haven’t had them, but an ex did. I don’t remember what was recommended, sadly.
all they said was ‘drink’…. which is great…. but wow it hurts! i asked every question my addled brain could think up…. boils down to: many studies, no definitive answers. drink.
not sure how i’m going to pull off my exam of tuesday: can’t see, and now pain meds. greeeeeeeeeeeeat. hmph.
Oh James, so sorry you have to suffer this :(
Here comes the woo-woo esoteric view: kidney stones are the physical manifestation of the sorrows/griefs we hold/repress, because the are painful to express. Sound like you are in the process of letting go of something, hence the stone is on the move!
The only pain in change is our resistance, I like to say, although sometimes it hurts like hell! Sending some Reiki your way!
terri….. that is a remarkable thought! i have never heard that before. fascinating! not woo-woo, lol…..
boychik, i’m feeling a bit better today…. stressed to the max. i have until 11:59 pm to finish a massive project and then an exam tuesday. no idea how this is going to work. none.
stephanie, i’m so sorry i couldn’t comment on your lovely tea! i don’t remember it at all =0(, but i have another bag =0)
Drink, yes. You should be drinking enough to urinate about 2L a day – when you’ve got kidney stones, output decreases dramatically, and it’s how I know I’ve got to start drinking more liquids. Increase your fiber intake slowly and keep it there – it helps get rid of the calcium and oxalate (sp?) that turns into kidney stones. Reduce salt where possible. Also, find teas with (or add yourself) some nettle leaf, which will promote urination and help flush things out to reduce the pain. I actually have a tea for this somewhere with a horrible name and okay taste, and it usually reduces/removes the pain for me in a day or two. I’ll see it has any of your known allergens in it, and if not, I’ll send some your way ASAP.
Geez…so sorry for all your pain :-(
I have had kidney stones before
(In the hospital with projectile vomiting from the pain)
I have also had many serious eye issues, torn cornea,
ulcers on cornea, cellulitis in my eye (hospitalized AGAIN)
I just said a prayer for you, and now I am going to drink
a cup of tea in your honor ;-) Creamy Earl Grey (DT)
the most relaxing version of my favorite tea.
Seriously, I pray tou are 100% feeling good way before Christmas
thank you for such kindness CelebriTEA. i am really not a happy drug person normally, and i refused opiates….. but they gave me torridol? which is an awesome anti inflammatory…. that helped alot. i was still foggy, but it could very well have been from pain.
going to make tea now. and study. one last exam. tomorrow.
Did I sent you L’Hiver? It is also quite stunning. So happy to hear you enjoyed this one!
you ALSO sent me l’hiver. i was cold…. i opted for spring. =0)
This is a lovely tea…thank you so very much…it does reminds me of summer.
I just read your profile.
Which auto immune do you have?
I have Diabetes, Lupus, Fibro, & Sarcoid…
Among other things, lol, it is essential to have a sense of humor ;~}
it’s neuro transmission something! lazy doctors say ms with a creative spin, but the neurologist thinks more likely a channelopathy which run in my family. to be fair ms is 1:1000 whereas a channelopathy is 1:30 000 000. suffice to say the docs are glad i am well versed in my own medical file, lol. it’s a chewy read. the only thing they all agree on is that i should donate my body to science when i die LMAO. yay post mortem company? =0P
Heh. Or those companies that slice you up and display you as science and art. ;)
i would be okay with that! so long as i get to contribute to the framing choice. =0)
yes. i am dead serious. the body farms…. not as much a priority for me.