390 Tasting Notes
a sample of this came to me by way of ifjuly.
hardly slept, thumped out of bed after a few hours sleep and threw the rest of my sample in my mug as an incentive eye opener.
the first time round i wasn’t inspired… good but not great, i guess? this morning it was awesome though! exhaustion? timing…. wait wait…. i didn’t rinse out my mug from the aloe vera berry last night.
wow, do those blends blend well! even as an oops.
and i’m off again. (insert whoosh sound)
omigod…. this is so stupidly good! and i love the aloe vera baseline! and even though it’s 3:30 in the morning it’s still not time to sleep nd i have no time to fully review it.
HOWEVER. HIBBIE HATERS… it is totally balanced in this blend! fruity, flowery, not overpowering, juicy…. beautiful. again, i have to go =0(
omigod…. can’t live without this one. wowie!
it’s a very nice, cool. soothing neutral. there are a alot of ingredients in this blend, if i’m not mistaken it’s the aloe that makes them work by smoothing the edges.
i had a bit of ‘little litchee raspberry’ from yyz and an assam from MissB, no time and deadlines everywhere i look. chucked them together and wunderbar! back to the grind.
it’s going to be great… somehow i managed to impart to the NGO that i’m working for that i really know what i’m doing (? how did i do that again?!!!) and now i find myself with a surprising (did i say intimidating? i meant to say intimidating) amount of responsibility. =0\
To help you cope, let me know if you want some tea from my cupboard, it’s finally all up to date! No swap, just a one way trip to BC, you obviously don’t have time to waste right now on anything else :-0
My dear sweet/evil friend Sil, first, you inspire me to «clean» my cupboard, then, you send close to 30 samples my way!!! Awww, you are so sweet my darling :-)
yyz, must say… don’t know that i’m as kind a person as you. this is a cup of lovely calm that i might not have shared!
didn’t even bother steeping outside of your recommended parameters. i am usually very picky about black and green blends too… very nice indeed.
very, very distant tobacco taste. not unpleasant. not bitter. very creamy. lovely vanilla. sense that the tea has thickness….. is making me sleepy! (not like i needed a big push, lol).
thank you to yyz for this lovely cup… and after a loooooong day!
be wary when a prof brags that a course does not hold exams- what they may actually be saying (as in this case) ‘all the time i would expect you to be studying for exams you will instead be working your butt off in other ways times 2!’ fascinating, brilliant, exciting….. also exhausting! lol.
dragged my butt up the stairs and cast about in yyz’s envelope for a ‘feels right’ sample. ooh, christmas in prague? sounds good!
i did have momentary concerns. the dry tea has a heavy smoky component… not usually my thing. i skimmed over the ingredients- VODKA? hmm. jury was out on that one; i had no idea what effect that would have on a tea! lol. the only way to know was to boil the kettle and add h2o.
with water the smoke vanished. deep purple almost overripe but not quite plums…. stonefruit! like when you bite a bit too deeply and your teeth graze the pit. there is a hint of stone flavour in this blend!
don’t think i’d want to drink it every day, but a lovely experience and one i’d be happy to repeat from time to time.
this is a clever tea.
So, so true! Especially if you have term long project. A similar warning could be given for open book exams, which are usually more work than the regular exams. I listened to a rant about just this topic at Christmas from a journalist who was already professionally active and had two jobs while obtaining her credentials. She is still under to this day that they were only told about it on the last day of class.
Glad you liked the tea. I wasn’t 100 % sure what I thought of it the first time I had it, but I find that you can get a variety of flavours out of it depending how you brew it. I added vodka to it one day and if became more fruity.
hee hee hee, you added more vodka? excellent. just spent 45 minutes on the phone with the head of the NGO i’ll be working for….. very nice guy. it is going to be a long semester, awesome, but long! lol.
Sounds good, and more useful than the CIDA internships back about when I did one. So, this is a project with real world applications?
it does, as does the course. it was designed with the concept that education is less helpful if it is not immediately applicable. the student retains more, learns more, gains problem solving skills as well as experience all the while benefiting worthy causes. this is who i am working for the next 4 months: http://www.africacalling.ca/
i’ll be building a video with them, working locally with marginalized populations and internationally. lots LOTS of work!!! and i am not the sort to partially commit… =0)
i had a little nut tree…
nothing would it bear,
but a silver nutmeg
and a golden pear.
such an old rhyme, from so very long ago! i absolutely taste the silver nutmeg in this lovely blend. candidly, amoda should NOT be allowed to have it!! not unless it’s also on butiki’s menu. the tea and the nutmeg intertwine, doing a dance of beautiful intricate complexity. the nutmeg does not hide, neither does the tea- they alternate as tide and shore, colliding.
one of the many remarkable aspects of this stacy creation is that breathes… tiny, light coloured flower petals were incorporated into the blend. as the blend steeps and the petals saturate, they inhale, they breathe, they move…. how striking.
stacy, always the artist.
thank you for sharing MissB.
huh, interesting! and i hope you get more sleep soon. (: