this enticing sample came to me by way of MissB.
not a blend i would normally have purchased for myself, but lovely to try nonetheless. this tea is stewed apricots in a cup! i have tried mangosteen, lychee, dragonfruit and any number of other exotic fruits that make steepster’s autocorrect put endless red squiggly lines under my writing.
i had never heard of maracuja before, and i will likely forget the name until i read it again, lol. i will however forever remember this blend as rich, heavy, juicy stewed apricots. delectable.
This tea place is the warehouse down the street from my place, and I added this particular tea to my order only because of the unique ingredient name. I’m thrilled you enjoyed it!
JustJames, you are really quite the poet. Your tasting notes are always so fun to read.
i love tea =0) …. hee hee, and love messing with steepster’s red vocab squiggles ;-P
This tea place is the warehouse down the street from my place, and I added this particular tea to my order only because of the unique ingredient name. I’m thrilled you enjoyed it!
wow, i’ve never heard of it either. that sounds really interesting, all those exotic fruits. yum.
oh wait, i misread, ha. still intriguing though!