this was a surprise free sample that came with my first order from harney and sons. thank you kindly folks!
i cheated… i peeked at the description an saw the word ‘assertive’. NO KIDDING!!! comparing it with another recent cinnamon tea sample from american tea room, this one with hot peppers, i actually think this one has more punch! it’s the cloves… must be. whereas verdant’s sweet cinnamon puerh is a completely different ball game with an entirely separate HOT element underscoring the cinnamon with the use of holy basil.
ha! and here i thought i didn’t like cinnamon outside of cinnamon buns.
very nice. very smooth. not benign or subtle in ANY way, and if you need to wake up early this will give you a significant jolt in that direction! oh yes… and i experimented: although there are chunks of orange peel in the blend it makes a beautiful uncurdled latte.
I also highly enjoy adding this tea to apple cider. Hot or cold its delightful!
I have brought it to parties and people always ask for my recipe.
I really enjoy this tea, and I haven’t had it in awhile. Might have to fix that later today. :)
I also highly enjoy adding this tea to apple cider. Hot or cold its delightful!
I have brought it to parties and people always ask for my recipe.
nice idea Hesper June… never thought of adding it to apple cider!