1908 Tasting Notes
Adding milk to this tea seemed like a good idea. In practice.
In reality it turned the tea into a rather icky-looking beige-grey colour and it tastes almost like I added milk to a rooibos tea, even though this tea is clearly NOT rooibos-based. I think the tea might be just too thin for milk, though I have no idea if this is a property of decaffinated teas or just this tea in general.
The amount of oil that comes off the leaves still garners a bit of a ‘yuck’ response from me – it’s like a mini crude-oil spill! XD
It’s tasting rather bitter this time around, but I’m not sure whether to take this tea with milk or maybe with honey. Honey is frequently used alongside sesame in many recipes, so maybe I’ll give that a shot next time. What say you lot?
Mmm I love the sweet, nutty gooness. This tea is redolent with notes of almonds and honey with a light sprinkling of spices. It makes me think of the holidays all over again. ;)
This is another one of the teas I received in a trade with silvermage2000/Ashley.
The smell of this tea…wow, it’s just incredible. I open the bag and instantly I’m bombarded with scents of luscious mango, peaches, and papayas with undertones of rose. If they made a perfume out of this tea I would so totally buy it!
I’ve never had a green rooibos tea before – I’m not a huge fan of it’s red cousin, but people have said that the flavour is considerably different, so I was willing to give this tea a shot. The taste starts out similar to a red rooibos tea, though not as woody or tart, and then it changes into tropical fruity goodness (yum!). The tail end of the flavour has an refreshing taste with ‘bright’ notes. Seriously, I don’t know what words to use to describe them. There’s a lingering floral aftertaste, just a faint hint of rose, nothing artifical or unpleasent.
This tea gets a solid thumbs up!
oh this sounds wonderful! I’ve never tried green rooibos, so your description is very helpful. added to shopping list
My second steeping of the leaves and I’m not really that impressed. The bakey flavour is pretty consistant but there’s none of the smooth, milky notes from the first steep. Instead there’s an astringent taste that makes my mouth feel a bit dry. Meh, the leaves might be good for several more steeps but I think I’ll just chuck them and start over in a few days.
There was a wonderfully fruity-floral fragrance wafting up from the cup when it was brewing. When I tasted it the flavour made me think that maybe I didn’t add enough tea to the strainer in my mug. I’d put in a scoop (about 1 tsp) but it does taste a little weak to me. The notes I can pick up are an interesting mix of bakey-ness with a milky taste in the background and a smooth feel in the mouth.
As the tea cools it shifts from a bakey flavour to more of a vegetale taste. I’m still getting the milky notes, but it’s a not a sweet sort of milk like you’d get in a proper milk/silk oolong.
I’m not as enamoured with oolong as I was with my Ti Yuan Yin and Tung Ting. But like so many of my teas I’ll need to work with the steeping parameters before I make a final decision on the rating. Does anyone have any particular bits of wisdom or advice on how to brew this particular tea?
Maybe ever so slightly increase the temp? But if your gut is that you didn’t use enough leaf, I’d use more. You don’t want what flavor is there to get bitter.
I made a pot of iced tea out of this for myself and the boyfriend-creature. It has a wonderful fruity, refreshing flavour and while I sweetened it with a bit of honey it’s also great unsweetened.
I haven’t been making much iced tea lately because of the cold weather, but I got sick of having nothing to drink except water (we need to go grocery shopping). :D
The weather outside can’t decide whether it wants to snow or rain so it seems to have comprised by doing both of those. The result is that it’s very wet, cold, and foggy outside and I have absolutely no desire to move from the couch where I’m snuggled up under a blanket with a mug of this tea. It seems to have become my go-to Miserable Weather tea. :D