160 Tasting Notes
I had this at a local restaurant as an appetizer recently and I was surprised (pleasantly) by it. I do love ginger tea, but this is a sweet and spicy one, not just the spice. I often drink it to settle my stomach or to help digest after meals but the sweetness of this really made it feel like a treat before my meal. I wouldn’t buy it I don’t think, but I’m really into loose teas over bagged teas, however I would certainly order it again!
Sipping this sweetie while I impatiently wait for Della Terra to release their 5 new teas around 1pm!! I’ve only had this tea once before, and I’m going to let it cool before I really sip. The smell is a sweet tarty delicious candy land with cream on top!
What I truly love about this tea is that it isn’t all flavor, I’m beginning to appreciate that more and more as I drink tea as my main beverage. I can taste the quality of the black tea and that’s what really makes this such an enjoyable cup. I love dessert teas, but most of all I love teas.
On a kind of separate note; my dad came to visit Rick and I last weekend and took us out to dinner. I’m working on conditioning for 3 half marathons this year and I’ve sober since July with the help of tea. I was so angry when the butter soaked bread came out and I took a bite of Rick’s. Then he suggested I ask for a cup of hot tea to keep me occupied and BAM, my mind was off the bread and I wasn’t craving wine. It was a simple Pukka Three Ginger tea but it held me over and kept me strong. Tea helps keep me strong, how awesome is that? I love that.
Thank you QueenofTarts for this swap!! Though I am slower getting my swap out, I was so excited to get this in the mail last night. I tried it immediately, while my boyfriend Rick looked at the package and said “Is this a real thing? Gooey butter cake? Why haven’t I ever eaten this?!”. I’ve never had it either but I did love the tea.
While I didn’t relate it quite to cake, I definitely got kind of a fresh lemon shortcake flavor out of it. The first time I tried Frank’s teas I wasn’t sure because the flavor of the black tea is strong, but now that I’ve tried a few of his and my tastes have adapted, I LOVE LOVE LOVE that you can taste the quality of the actual tea and not just the flavors in this! This is a delicious tea, something that I would love to have in the afternoon with friends or on my own to just recenter my mind. I can’t wait for another cup!
In my attempt to branch out into some oolongs, I discovered this beauty on my shelf! Who knew?! So to me, since I am not an oolong expect or even novice at any rate, I think it tastes a lot like the Jasmine Gold Dragon tea. It doesn’t have the sharpness of a green tea but it has the floral flavor, which to me is delicate and simple. I’m a big flavored tea fan, so this is a great step into oolongs.
I’m going to need to look up in the discussions some more information about oolongs and do some research because I feel that I don’t fully appreciate the flavor and fullness of this cup. I think oolongs are supposed to be fresh and beautiful and I feel very under knowledged about them. Wisdom welcome!
This was my first matcha experience and I don’t know if I can live without it now! I tried it a few ways; mixed with hot water, shaken up in a cold water bottle, and in a smoothie. I loved it in the cold water and the smoothie the best. In cold water it was like a grassy earthy yet sort of rich and thick drink that was nice to keep on my desk throughout the day. As a smoothie I added a teaspoon to almond milk and mixed fruit and it added a SLIGHT grassy earthiness, but mostly a freshness that enhanced the flavor of my drink.
The flavor of this matcha truly shows it’s quality, it is fresh and crisp. I ordered the basic grade of flavoring so I didn’t have a ton of the flavor that people say comes with the robust setting. However, this was a great way for me to try matcha for the first time, I could really tell what the taste of the tea was like without too much added extra.
This is an amazing way to get your antioxidants, speed up your metabolism before a workout, or simply to enjoy a strong fresh green tea at its most natural and pure form. You can buy your own here: http://www.redleaftea.com/matcha-tea/english-toffee-matcha.html and I highly recommend you do so!!
Yummmm I am so in love with this first thing in the morning. I need to restock my stash of it in my office (from my 2 lb supply at home…).
However, I am in somewhat of a tea rut. I am drinking the same teas regularly and not exploring like I did when I first found Steepster. So my current goal; branch out into new to me teas. I don’t drink much oolong or green tea so I think I will focus there. Regardless, I am enjoying being at the desk earlier than everyone else, enjoying my tea with myself :)
Ok so I’m guilty of loving Teavana’s herbal dessert teas. I’ve been checking back with my local Teavana to see if they’ve gotten this in yet and yesterday they finally had it!! I ordered 2 oz and when the manager said “For this 4.5 oz you would only pay $18” I said “I don’t know if I like it yet, 2 is good.”
Now I’m almost through the 2 oz because the chunks in the tea are large, there are pieces of dried bananas that really complete the flavor but there aren’t a ton of them. The first cup I had I brewed a little too long for my taste, it was very sweet and tangy, to me it was really similar to Azteca Fire, which I love. The second cup I made sure to get some banana pieces and BAM…delicious. I brewed it for less time, probably 5 minutes, and it was still sweet but the tangy tartness wasn’t there and I could taste the caramel and chocolate as well.
Banana lovers or dessert tea lovers, try this! It’s not like out of this world good but since I love dessert teas, and this is an herbal, I can drink it at night in my bath without worrying about being up for all hours!
I can taste it this time!! It’s subtle, maybe I need to let it cool a bit. Anywhoooo…thank you so much for this sample Rachel, I love a mate in the morning or with a mid morning protein snack to help me fully open my eyes. I was wondering what it was about the chocolate that maybe it a little bubbly tasting almost, and I realized I can even taste the malt in it! It has a great roasted smell when brewed and a nice smooth chocolate flavor but not an artificial chocolate like so many chocolate teas!
I like it a lot, I’m going to drink the cup slowly to see if it’s something I would order. I am so guilty of absolutely loving Teavana’s My Morning Mate and I currently have 2 lbs of it between my office, my apartment, and my purse…sooooo I’m a little biased.
I think my addiction to this tea increases with each cup. I saw a recipe online yesterday on my favorite health blog for s’mores oatmeal and immediately started craving this. I was thinking about it all through my workout and then for some reason I went with a different dessert tea at home.
So now I am waking up at work to the creamy, chocolaty, spicy, smooth, rich, indulgent sweet goodness of Della Terra S’mores tea :)