Finally getting around to trying the last few samples that The Cookie Lady sent me a while back. I believe this is the first tea I’ve tried from Lupicia and I am seriously impressed! This is quite possibly the most flavorful oolong tea I’ve ever tried…lots of rich fruity plum flavor balanced by just a touch of floral. And then there’s that wonderful silky oolong texture…So glad I got to try this one!
Flavors: Floral, Plum, Smooth
You should try jingle bells and napa blanc!
Melon Oolong! And Ripe Mango Oolong! :D
Oh dear…don’t tempt me! I’ve purchased WAY too much tea recently and I need to sip down some of what I have before I buy more. (Of course, if one of you is wanting to swap samples of some of those, that’s a different story! :D )