250 Tasting Notes


Finished off the rest of this today.

Tried steep.it‘s suggestion of only brewing this tea for a minute. Turned out much less bitter, but altogether not that different. It’s alright for a green tea, but not spectacular enough that I will be restocking, genmaicha is still the best everyday green tea in my books.

180 °F / 82 °C 1 min, 0 sec

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drank Genmaicha by DAVIDsTEA
250 tasting notes

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180 °F / 82 °C 2 min, 0 sec

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drank Santa's Secret by DAVIDsTEA
250 tasting notes

This tea must be magic!

I completely forgot about it while my 13.5-month-old threw a fit about not being able to climb on the bookcases. Sigh. I nearly panicked when I realised that it’d been steeping for nearly 20 minutes and I only have a limited supply left. Amazingly, it was still warm, creamy and delicious. No need to add milk or sugar.

It’s a Christmas miracle… just not Christmas anymore…

Boiling 8 min or more

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drank Creme Caramel Rooibos by DAVIDsTEA
250 tasting notes

Can’t stop drinking this…

That is all.

Boiling 6 min, 0 sec

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drank Buttercream by DAVIDsTEA
250 tasting notes

Another white tea greatly improved with a lower temp + short steep.

Steeped only 1 minute (would’ve been 30s but the timer went off and then I puttered around forgetting what the timer was for in the first place!) and it came out delightful and sweet. It’s creamy, light, floral… and so much tastier than I remember it being! I suppose there is something to steep.its white tea recommendations, DAVIDsTEA should take not of that, seeing as all their recommendations for white teas seem to make them taste not as satisfactory as they could be!

180 °F / 82 °C 1 min, 0 sec

You should totally send them an email about that! I noticed that my old peppermint amour said 4-7 minutes and then when I stocked up recently, it said 30-60 seconds! So I guess they do change these things occasionally.

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I’ll make this short, since I have reviewed this tea multiple times already.

Went into my local store to see if I could buy up any remaining stock, but they’re already out! However, they assure me that it’s not being discontinued, just re-blended. Let us hope the re-blend tastes just as good—if not better—than the original.

Alas, I am down to my 2nd last cup of this, with just enough loose tea for a final cup sometime in the future. As usual it’s dreamy and luxurious with the perfect balance of strawberries and white tea. Please, oh please DAVIDsTEAdon’t screw this one up!

180 °F / 82 °C 0 min, 45 sec

amen to that!!!!

Kay Kanada

If they do, I’ll send you what I have left of mine!

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drank Genmaicha by DAVIDsTEA
250 tasting notes

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drank Creme Caramel Rooibos by DAVIDsTEA
250 tasting notes

Have you smelled this tea? Well, have you?? If you have this tea in your possession go smell it immediately… it’s okay, I’ll wait.

I know, right? A-M-A-Z-I-N-G! My sister suggested this to me after hearing about my trouble with Alpine Punch and how I was Jones-ing for a flavourful replacement rooibos. At first I was skeptical, the brewed tea just tasted like plain old rooibos. Then I added some milk + sugar and SWEET MERCY it’s like liquid caramels, for reals! Liquid. Caramels. Why have I not tried this tea before?

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec

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drank Love Elixir for Her by DAVIDsTEA
250 tasting notes

Another tea I wish I could drink, but leaves my head aching and spinning.

I was so excited about this tea—it sounds delicious—but I won’t rate it since I can’t properly judge this tea flavourwise. From what I did taste, the licorice seemed to overpower the chocolate & strawberry flavours I was looking so forward to, which makes me sad since I absolutely cannot stand licorice in tea. It reminds me too much of Stash and their penchant for adding licorice flavour to absolutely every tea they have.

Sigh… hopefully you all have better luck with this tea than I did.

200 °F / 93 °C 3 min, 0 sec
Kay Kanada

Faith, do you know what it is about certain teas that triggers a headache?


I’m wondering if it’s the “flavouring” since that seems to be the only thing that Alpine Punch & Love Elixir for Her have in common and those are the two teas I get headaches with.

Kay Kanada

Hmm, and it’s also sadly the hardest thing to actually track down and understand (secret recipes and all that…) Flavourings change from tea to tea, with no indication in the ingredients. Darn, if only you were affected by an easy ingredient, like hibiscus, that is very clearly indicated on the package. I hope that you don’t find any other teas that give you the same reaction!


So far so good, no new teas give me headaches.

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It’s a sad, sad day when I have to admit defeat on a tea… Alpine Punch, that is.

I’d tried and tried and tried again to make Alpine Punch work, it tasted so good! But without fail I would get a headache 3-4 sips in and then have to dump the rest. So, the other day I walked into my local DAVIDsTEA in shame, a bag of Alpine Punch to return. The sales-girl helping me was more than accommodating, giving me plenty of suggestions and recommendations.

In the end I exchanged for this tea, since I’ve been looking for yet another black tea to put into rotation with Nepal Black, Buttered Rum, and my collection of Earl Greys. This has a nice body that holds up to milk and sugar, which actually seems to get better as it cools. Right now it’s lukewarm and downright delicious! Nepal Black is still my favourite, but it’s nice to have a break once in a while…

205 °F / 96 °C 4 min, 0 sec
Cee Long Green

You can make returns at DT?! You have just blown my mind and made my day! I have a little bag of All the Raj that always makes me sad when I see it in the cupboard..


You’re quite welcome! Hope you trade it in for something more worthwhile…

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Hi there! I am a big fan of tea in it’s many forms: white, green, black, red, herbal, etc. Since the removal of my gallbladder I am finding I sway more towards straight teas, such as black or oolong, and dessert-like teas.

I hope you find my reviews helpful…

Organic Ever Green (4 tsp) • DAVIDsTEA
Dragonwell • DAVIDsTEA
Mint Julep (15g) • DAVIDsTEA
Choconut Oolong (25g) • DAVIDsTEA



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