250 Tasting Notes
The girl helping me tried to convince me that I needed more than 10g since, “What if you end up really liking it?”
I think I’ll stick with my 10g, since this tea is not for me. Brewed there is an underlying smell and taste like cherry cough syrup. Maybe I brewed it wrong? I’ll have to try again, but so far this looks like it’ll go in the “company tea” pile…
Oh that’s what it is!! Cherry cough syrup! I was thinking artificial sweetner, but you are absolutely right. I tried it three times then gave it away.
I really wish they’d stop using the artificial flavourings, I find they don’t blend well with the other ingredients and just kind of “sit” on the surface.
Had a girls’ tea party with two childhood friends and found out my friend Chelsea is almost as big a DAVIDsTEA fanatic as I am! She mentioned that she’d been dying to try this tea, so this was the one that they chose of my vast collection.
We had it with a dash of sugar + topped with whipped cream. So. Good. Exactly like a moist slice of birthday cake topped with buttercream icing, in a mug.
Holy Peppermint Explosion Batman!
This is by far the best straight peppermint tea I’ve ever had. Pure, unadulterated peppermint. My mom recommended this for when my stomach is spasming, but I have yet to test her theory (thankfully, the stomach spasms feel like contractions—except contractions come and go in waves—and a stomach spasm can go on for hours). However the in-laws are visiting this weekend and without fail their presence tends to trigger one. Let’s cross our fingers that this time will be different, but if it does happen I’ll have this tea on-hand to potentially aid the situation.
On another note, has anyone tried this iced? As a cocktail? I’m tempted to play around with it a little bit since 30g of this tea seems like a lot.
It may have snowed 20-30cm overnight, but I’m craving iced tea!
I’ve had a jug cold-brewing in the fridge for a day or two, so I mixed it with lemonade and here we are. The tea holds it’s against the lemonade, balancing the acidity with its malty flavour. Normally, I go for Red Rose when I want to make plain iced tea, but on occasion this one will do just fine…
If you’ve read any of my other tea reviews, you know that I am a bit of an Earl Grey aficionado. So, I tend to steer clear of Earl Grey variations… until now.
The premise intrigued me, since it’s not uncommon for people to sometimes add a squeeze of lemon to their Earl Grey. The lemon here reminds me strongly of Lime Gelato… except substitute lemon for lime and add a dash of bergamot, not that the bergamot is particularly strong. It’s an interesting variation on a well-known tea, but it should be called Lemon Gelato instead, with the yogurt adding a creamy gelato-ness to the lemon + bergamot.
I took steep.it‘s advice and steeped it at 85°C for only a minute, and it turned out lemony with a hint of cream. No bitterness. Managed to get two steeps out of the leaves as well. Quite a nice flavoured white/green tea, not sure if I’ll restock once my 10g are gone… might have to let it grow on me a bit.
Ever since going gluten-free I’ve had to give up a lot of delicious, gluten-y things—cake being one of the hardest. Nothin’ like going to someone’s birthday party, only to turn the cake down because you can’t eat it. You then have to explain why you’re being such a party-pooper… “No, no, it’s not that I don’t want the cake… I just can’t eat the cake. Gluten-intolerance, you see.” Then they look at you with pity. Because really, what’s a birthday without cake??
I don’t feel so bad anymore though, now that I have this tea! With a sprinkle of brown sugar + splash of whipping cream I can almost feel the spongy texture of a slab birthday cake on my tongue as I sip. And the smell! The smell alone has my head spinning.
Next party I attend I’ll be bringing a thermos of this tea with me and sipping all through the chorus of “Happy Birthday” with a smile…
I tried to cold-brew this, with mixed results, but kept the leaves because… well, it’s an oolong and I could probably try to get a couple hot steeps outta the remaining leaves, right?
And personally, so much better hot. Reminiscent of the hot-lemonades my dad used to make me when I was sick, but more… sophisticated? Yeah, that’s gotta be it. This is the second steep of these leaves and it’s got the oolong creaminess balanced by the lemon astringency, with a teensy hint of the floral jasmine at the end. Lovely AND delicious.
Verdict: not a fan of it iced (sorry DAVIDsTEA sales-associates), but delightful when hot. Might have to try and stretch the leaves for a third steep…